Boys and girls,
ymusk v0.5 is out. The Changes log for that release is:
0.5 (valentin) Wed Oct 11 21:02:24 EDT 2000
- Changed Windows default font to Fixedsys (ugly, but non-proportional).
- Email addresses and urls are now highlighted. And
can be clicked. Is that progress or what? :)
- <Channels> are not red. Woohoo!
- Added a sample ymuskrc to the distribution.
- Fixed image bug.
- Set back as backdoor module.
s/[#.A-Wild;]/ord$&/eg;while( /[-+]\d+/g ){ @a or @a=($&) and next;
unshift @a, map {($_+$&)/2 => ($_-$&)/2} pop @a; } print map chr, @a;