
Object Name Database


    I have configured some bacnet points using explorer and saved yabe map file. After that i try to open the db file nothing is populated as expected. Anyone knows about this?

  • F. Chaxel

    F. Chaxel - 2017-12-13


    See 2.7 Bacnet Object name in readme.txt.

    The process is
    1/ choose Save As, and point to a file somewhere on disk with write access.
    2/ Browse your devices normaly

    All Name<->Objects association are stored in the database file.

    The next time you're opening a device into another yabe session, names will be present by default insted of object id

  • Dennis V McEnaney

    (If you also want to ensure that the non-device/child objects are included too, you'll have to click upon/scroll through all of them, each object in turn, before then saving the YabeMap file.)


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