Anna Zhukova - 2011-12-19

Dear yeastnet developers,

I am trying to figure out what the boundary compartment (c_01) is. It was not presented in the yeast_4.02 model, but appears in yeast_5.01 and is the only one having no GO annotations. I have looked at the reactions with the species of the boundary: there is the biomass growth reaction (cytoplasm -> boundary) and quite a few extracellular-to-boundary exchange reactions. I could not find any other reactions involving boundary species. In yeast_4.02 the biomass growth was a cytoplasm -> extracellular reaction, while those extracellular-to-boundary reactions were not present. I am wondering wether in fact the boundary is a fake, used to express boundary conditions for the optimization process? Or is it a real compartment? Is it outside of the cell envelope (between the cell envelope and the extracellular compartment)?

Thank you for your help,

  • Anna Zhukova
    PhD student

Magnome team
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
351 cours de la Libération
33405 Talence Cedex – France