
suggested network changes

  • kieran smallbone

    The reconstruction is in a constant state of flux, and some alterations have been proposed to the current version …

    - r_0779, ATP + UDP <==> ADP + UTP : we should delete this reaction (but this would stop growth)
    - r_0009, an 1-acyl-sn-gylcerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase catalysed by YDL052C: consider adding genes YOR175C, YGL084C, YPL189W as described at SGD
    - r_1040, a triacylglycerol lipase catalysed by YKR089C|YMR313C|YOR081C: consider the multifunctional role of these genes as described at SGD
    - add lipoic acid synthesis, as described in doi:10.1074/jbc.R800068200  and doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.015594
    - use non-integral stoichiometries from iMM904 and iIN800
    - fix any un-/under- annotated species
    - look at reactions involving YBR196C

    Please let us know of any other changes you would like to see.

  • kieran smallbone

    The COBRA toolbox requires that non-boundary metabolites are placed before boundary metabolites. Grudgingly implement this for portability.

  • Ben Heavner

    Ben Heavner - 2011-01-10

    Hey Kieran - not sure if this is the best place for minor typos, but in the following, there's an extra comma:

    <reaction id="r_0540" name="glycine hydroxymethyltransferase," sboTerm="SBO:0000176">

    the name ends with a ",".

  • Matthew Conway

    Matthew Conway - 2011-07-20

    Has anything been done to fix the non-boundary metabolites/boundary metabolites order?  Half the model gets left out when you load it into cobra.  What exactly is a boundary metabolite anyway?

  • Ben Heavner

    Ben Heavner - 2011-07-20

    Hi Matthew,

    Which version of Yeast and which version of COBRA are you using? Boundary metabolites have been addressed in the development version of Yeast since ~v4.30.

    A boundary metabolite is a metabolite which is added to the model from outside - any metabolite that gets consumed. Without boundary metabolites, there would be no steady-state flux through the reaction network, since they participate in source reactions of the form -> A (as opposed to transport reactions like A(cyt) -> A(mito), or reactions like A+B -> C).

  • Matthew Conway

    Matthew Conway - 2011-08-03

    Hey Ben,

    I thought I posted this twice, but my posts haven't been appearing somehow.  I was using yeastnet v. 4.38 and the latest version of Cobra.  It seems that in yeastnet, there are many metabolites labeled with an underscore b, "_b" that are not in the Boundary compartment.  For instance:

    <species id="s_1612_b" name="TSC10 " speciesType="t_0900" compartment="c_03" boundaryCondition="true" constant="true"/>

    Also, for metabolites that should have one boundary instance, all versions of it are labeled with underscore b.

    Line 38181:       <species id="s_0763_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_01" boundaryCondition="true"/>
    Line 38182:       <species id="s_0764_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_02" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38189:       <species id="s_0765_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_03" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38196:       <species id="s_0766_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_05" boundaryCondition="true" constant="true">
    Line 38203:       <species id="s_0767_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_06" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38210:       <species id="s_0768_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_08" boundaryCondition="true"/>
    Line 38211:       <species id="s_0769_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_10" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38218:       <species id="s_0770_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_12" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38225:       <species id="s_0771_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_14" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38232:       <species id="s_0772_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="c_16" boundaryCondition="true">
    Line 38239:       <species id="s_2884_b" name="H+ " speciesType="t_0408" compartment="boundary" boundaryCondition="true" constant="true"/>

    In my understanding, only the last instance should have boundaryCondition = "true" and the underscore b.

    In line 47 of the cobra toolbox function convertSBMLtoCobra, the code looks for the underscore b's to leave those metabolites out of the model.

      % Ignore exchange species
        if (isempty(regexp(modelSBML.species(i).id,'_b$','ONCE')));

    Again, the model runs in cobra, but it is missing many metabolites, if this is how it is supposed to happen please explain, because currently I can't make any sense of the way this is set up, and it seems to me like your SBML file is being assembled by code with a bug in it.

  • Ben Heavner

    Ben Heavner - 2011-08-03

    Ah. Yep, that's wrong, and is fixed in a newer version (maybe even 4.39 or 4.40). Silly disagreements between the SBML standard and the COBRA toolbox.

    Kieran and I are in the middle of trying to finalize changes for Yeast 5 for release in the next month or two. I had asked him to hold on to the recent updates pending publication. email me at bheavner at gmail and I'll send you a more recent version, but with the warning that it's got shortcomings, too.

    4.05 was the last "stable" release, so everything since that point is in active development - things are changing around a lot at the moment. We're hoping to stabilize at 5.0 in the next month or two.


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