
YTalk Cursor Freedom (YCF) / News: Recent posts

New Release: 0.2.1

A bunch of bug fixes (including some really obvious ones, such as the lack of scrolling when you type past the end of the last line.

Also some new features, such as the ability to use:
^A - Beginning of Line
^K - Delete Cursor->End of Line
^U - Delete Cusror->Beginning of Line

Posted by NuclearDog 2007-12-08

New Release: 0.2.0

A complete re-write from 0.1.0 using a much more modular architecture to allow for much greater stability, much cleaner and easier to understand code, and just a whole lot more badassery. This release drops some of the features of 0.1.0 (like locking sections of the screen, etc) but intends to add them back in later in a much more stable form.

Posted by NuclearDog 2007-12-08