
Tree [78990e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 arith 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 common 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 compile 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 drystone 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 examplebench 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 include 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 main 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 matrix 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 membench 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 objs 2015-04-16 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [78990e] fixed missing objs directory in checked-out rep...
 wetstone 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 .gitignore 2015-04-16 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [78990e] fixed missing objs directory in checked-out rep...
 AUTHORS 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 INSTALL 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 Makefile 2015-04-16 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [78990e] fixed missing objs directory in checked-out rep...
 Makefile.std 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 README 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 TODO 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit
 config 2015-04-14 Oliver Schroeder Oliver Schroeder [be458b] initial commit

Read Me

yaub - yet another useless benchmark

YAUB basically is a C++ framework for benchmarks. Every benchmark is derived
from a base class and can do whatever it wants. 

The currently implemented benchmarks are:

This is an example benchmark to show how easy it is to include self-written
benchmarks into yaub. Just look into the source code.

Based upon the original dhrystone benchmark by Reinhold P. Weicker, Version C,
Version 2.1, 1988
C++tified by Oliver Schroeder
This is my version of the original dhrystone benchmark. All modifications
of mine were only necessary changes to get dhrystone fit into my framework.
I tried to keep the original as good as possible, but on current hardware
the code runs at a non-measurable speed. So the code is looped, the number
of loops is calibrated to be able to calculate the time used.
Nevertheless it is'nt the original benchmark anymore, hence the name-change. 

This is my version of the original whetstone benchmark. The same remarks as
for drytstone apply here.

This is a template class. It does simple arithmetic operations to the given
variable type. The compiled binary uses it to benchmark operations of 
- char
- short int
- int
- long
- long long
- float
- double
- long double
You can add whatever datatype you want, needed operations are +=, -=, *=,
/=, = and == 

membench knows some different algorithms to copy data from one memory
location to another. The binary calls all of them.