

Help is needed with the following non exhaustive list of things.

In approximate reverse order of 'geekness' so any potential does not get scared away.

The list might sound like I think it needs an Army to get this done. Actually I expect it to just be done by muggins. It just looks big when you cut it into little bits. At least I hope that why it looks so big.

<B>Does it work</B> [Compatibility]
The most obvious thing is access to various pieces of hardware to test it against.
This primary skill to do this is the ability to get the package and use it.
Initially the test is "does it do what I think it said it does."
Later an actual acceptance test suite will be developed that you run and then eyeball the results and confirm they look right to you. Look right = Does Sunny Explorers claims about your inverter match YASDLIB based apps.

For this task it is often useful if you don't know things. This makes it much easier to see all the apparently obvious but in reality not so obvious things that need to be said.

Even some iconography wouldn't go astray, but note the icon will have the message I want, (sun, PV, data/messages) using your technical skills just as [YASDLIB] gets the features users need using my C++ skills.

My familiarity with Source forge, SVN, cmake, build scripts, packaging, and the like leaves things to be desired.

I am in my view more than adequately equipped to write C++, however I have no need to write all of it if someone wants to take on adding certain separable features. If you don't know which ones you want to do I can give you stuff to do...

<B>Java. Perl etal</B>
There have been expressions of interest in writing Java code that interfaces to [YASDLIB] or [YASE]. This could be through a JNI or JNA. Soon but not just yet this API could be defined. A serious issue that needs pondering is timing. Inverter time is not PC time and synchronizing at sub second so that just when spot queries can be made to get values with exactly the right time stamp, is anon trivial task. Potential but usually not scheduling issues also make that a challenge. Thus while a native API will exist for Java to casually ask what the current yield. A more robust model is to schedule [YASD] to make the periodic queries at exactly the right moments and archive all the data in a database.
A display app either runs just behind real time or is sent events by YASD, whenever new data is available, but data access itself is from the DB. While more complex the later design seems both precise and robust.


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