YASE Archive Data


Command Line
./yase -pass secret -addr 12:34:56:78:90:BC

Default behavior of the command line is to dump archive data from the previous midnight up until now. In this archive period it extracts total yield and average power. It then blocks and waits until the next archive value is available and then prints it immediately.
In the next version (after writing this) YASE will also get the post value that occurred half way through the time period, thus the when the time stamp indicates it is for the period ending at 2011-07-07 08:25:00 the spot value will be for 2011-07-07 08:22:30. using the spot value from either end of the time period introduces biases that are visible in the mornings and afternoons when there is an underlying liner trend. Collecting the spot data in the middle removes this sampling bias. it is for that kind of exactness that this package wishes to be known.

it is envision the out put of YASE will be dumped to CSV files, that are examined periodically or with tail -f, or piped to an app so that it can for instance be sent to pvoutput.org this output is specifically designed for that purpose and will change, if pvoutputs requirements or capabilities change, for instance to accept DC data.
The functionality of [YASD] could be more or less achieved by piping [YASE] to another App. Currently [YASE] is not a precise enough tool to avoid acquire sampling errors due to timing jitters on the spot data. That will probably be fixed as a side effect of the effort to build [YASD].

Excerpt of the output of Archive Data.

std,1,2011-07-07 07:10:00,305283, 0,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:15:00,305283, 0,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:20:00,305283, 0,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:25:00,305283, 0,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:30:00,305283, 0,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:35:00,305285, 24,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:40:00,305288, 36,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:45:00,305293, 60,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:50:00,305300, 84,
std,1,2011-07-07 07:55:00,305308, 96,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:00:00,305317, 108,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:05:00,305327, 120,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:10:00,305339, 144,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:15:00,305353, 168,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:20:00,305370, 204,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:25:00,305413, 516,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:30:00,305484, 852,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:35:00,305571,1044,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:40:00,305666,1140,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:45:00,305767,1212,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:50:00,305872,1260,
std,1,2011-07-07 08:55:00,305986,1368,


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