
#1 PHP or Yanocc



i am not sure if this is a bug on PHP's side your yanocc

I am using PHP 4.0.6 and Yanocc 0.1.0.

I was trying to log into my mailbox with Yanocc and got
a error that username and password was incorrect.
now i realized that the username and mail server was
printed on the page like but when
i logged in it was something crazy like

i was using Mozilla 0.9.9. i browsed the cookies and
saw that i had a cookie named user set to that strange
string. when i deleted that cookie Yanocc worked fine.
i am also using PHPNuke and PHPNuke are setting a
user cookie aswell as a lang cookie.

generally i think the problem is at PHP but i am just
letting you guys know.



  • Eddie Leung

    Eddie Leung - 2002-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    I have same porblem as well, username and password was
    incorrect, how to fix it.

    I am using php 4.1.2.


  • Adriaan Putter

    Adriaan Putter - 2002-07-12

    Logged In: YES

    try erasing all cookies that is set in your browser.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have the same error too:
    PHP: 4.1.2
    Yanocc: 0.1.0
    It used to work till (it seems) it broke when upgrading PHP.
    I know this version has IMAP support enabled too.

    I can perfectly connect from command line, so I'm sure
    login/pass are correct.

    Mailog shows this messages when connecting through Yanocc:
    Oct 23 13:31:56 iamz ipop3d[12274]: pop3 service init from
    Oct 23 13:31:56 iamz ipop3d[12274]: Command stream end of
    file while reading line user=??? host=UNKNOWN

    (you see, no user and host unknown)

    ...while a successful connection would show...

    Oct 23 13:27:31 iamz ipop3d[12185]: pop3 service init from
    Oct 23 13:27:39 iamz ipop3d[12185]: Login user=jmnav
    host=iamz [] nmsgs=2/2

    that is, correct user and correct host (localhost).

    It doesn't seem to be related whith cookies: I tested this
    accepting session cookies and without them.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It turns out to be due the way Red Hat packages imap and/or
    PHP lately (at least on 7.x).

    You have to tell the system *NOT* to try to use encription,
    so your server definition at conf.php should have to look like:

    for an IMAP server, and...

    for a POP server.
    Hope this helps (I changed both the conf.php relevant
    comment and the relevant FAQ too, how can I send the changes
    to the maintainers?).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The way to resolve it is explictly telling you're *NOT* encripting the
    POP connection.

    So try at conf.php...

    $domains[0]->in = 'localhost/pop3:110/notls';

    you see? The host (localhost); the protcol and port (pop3:110), and
    add the fact you won't use an encrypted conection (notls).

    This did it for me!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'd say this is a "closed" bug. I would close it and add the
    correct sintax for pop/imap/notls servers both to the
    config.php file, the INSTALL.TXT and to a FAQ if such a
    document does exist.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    same problem, under IE6, mozilla 1.6 and firefox 1.0. code


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