
Tree [1ca78a] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 contrib 2015-08-21 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [35a5ed] Add example entries for .asoundrc for use with ...
 debian 2024-03-24 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [1ca78a] Increase version in Debian packaging.
 website 2013-06-06 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [2ca49a] Replace reference to CVS in the website with GIT.
 yammi 2024-03-23 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [027dfe] Release version 1.4.0.
 .gitignore 2024-03-20 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [e9e451] Add Makefile to .gitignore.
 AUTHORS 2013-05-17 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [b2c8b0] Readded README and polished some descriptive fi...
 COPYING 2013-05-16 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [46d26d] Move content of kyammi to root directory.
 CREDITS 2013-05-16 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [46d26d] Move content of kyammi to root directory.
 ChangeLog 2024-03-23 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [027dfe] Release version 1.4.0.
 README 2024-03-20 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [2486f6] Update README. 2017-10-07 Bernhard Übelacker Bernhard Übelacker [f8e7da] Add root directory project file to make Debian ...

Read Me

Yammi - Yet Another Music Manager I ...

Please visit   for detailed (but probably
outdated) information about Yammi.

After the porting to Qt4/5/6 a lot of functionality got not tested in depth.
Therefore it is likely there is something not working aside the normal
operations like scanning for mp3, playing them and grouping them in
categories. So you have been warned!

- Qt library in version 5 or 6
- xine library, vlc library and/or qtmultimedia5/qt6-multimedia.
- TagLib

This command should get you all development and runtime stuff you need:
  at Debian Bookworm, with Qt5:
    apt install git build-essential libasound2-dev libtag1-dev libvlc-dev libxine2-dev qtbase5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5multimedia5-plugins
  at Debian Bookworm, with Qt6:
    apt install git build-essential libasound2-dev libtag1-dev libvlc-dev libxine2-dev qt6-base-dev qt6-multimedia-dev qt6-l10n-tools

Getting and building the source from GIT:
  $ git clone git:// yammi-git
  $ cd yammi-git
  $ export QT_SELECT=qt5
  $ qmake
  $ make -j$(nproc)

Or with Qt6:
  $ qmake6
  $ make -j$(nproc)

And you are done. Right now you should be able to run Yammi from the source tree:
  $ cd yammi
  $ ./yammi

Buidling a Debian package for Stretch:
  # apt install git debhelper build-essential libasound2-dev libtag1-dev libvlc-dev libxine2-dev qtbase5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5multimedia5-plugins
  $ git clone git:// yammi-git
  $ cd yammi-git
  $ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc

The configuration lies in following files and directories:

Currently the english and german languages should be in a good shape.
For spanish and italian I could not judge about it - you have to try it.
If they are not usable please delete the translations/yammi*.qm file for your locale.
Other translations are not included.

I hope you enjoy using Yammi...