
#173 Service is not stopping properly on linux

Arushi Rai

YAJSW: yajsw-stable-12.12
OS : Linux/4.19.115-9.ph3/amd64
JVM : Azul Systems, Inc./11.0.7//usr/java/jre-vmware/64

Stopping the service using -p is not working properly.
When I do systemctl status <service>, it says service "failed" instead of "inactive" </service>

failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-07-16 01:29:41 UTC; 5s ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 16621 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/ser start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 16652 (code=exited, status=143)
Main process exited, code=exited, status=143/n/a
Failed with result 'exit-code'.

snippet of wrapper configuration: 


Wrapper Posix Daemon Properties


Directory in which to create and execute daemon init scripts. Default: /etc/init.d

wrapper.daemon.dir =/etc/init.d

Directory where to store the wrapper pid file. Default: /var/run =${base}

Directory in which to create K... and S... links.

Default: <wrapper.daemon.dir>/rcX.d</wrapper.daemon.dir>

For Ubuntu set to /etc/rcX.d

The following grooy script should set it correctly for most distros

wrapper.daemon.run_level_dir=${if (new File('\/etc\/rc0.d').exists()) return '\/etc\/rcX.d' else return '\/etc\/init.d\/rcX.d'}

Setting the runlevels and priorities for automatic startup and stop of the daemon.

Similar syntax as the update_rc.d command

Default: equivalent to default of update_rc.d

wrapper.daemon.update_rc = start 002 3 4 5 . stop 002 0 1 2 6


Exit Code Properties

Restart on non zero exit code


wrapper.on_exit.default=RESTART \gateway


Wrapper timeouts


Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper starts the application

and the application logon to the wrapper.

Default: 30 seconds

wrapper.startup.timeout = 120

Number of seconds to allow between the time that the Wrapper asks the application to shutdown and the time that the JVM shuts down.

Default: 30 seconds

wrapper.shutdown.timeout = 120

wrapper.debug = true
wrapper.debug.level = 3

Snippet of wrapper log: 

INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|Shutting down Wrapper
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|stop from Thread Thread-3 reason: USER
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|stop from Thread Thread-2 reason: WRAPPER SHUTDOWN
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|set state RUNNING->STATE_USER_STOP
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|stopping process with pid/timeout 16675 135000
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|Controller State: LOGGED_ON -> USER_STOP
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|controller sending a stop command
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|controller sending a stop command
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:34|controller sending a stop command
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|controller close session
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|Controller State: USER_STOP -> WAITING_CLOSED
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|session closed -> waiting
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|unexpected connection closed: /
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|wrapper manager received stop command
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|waitpid 16675 0
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|exit code posix process: 0 application(status/signal): 0/0
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|process terminated
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|Controller State: WAITING_CLOSED -> PROCESS_KILLED
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|giving up after 0 retries
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|set state STATE_USER_STOP->IDLE
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|shutdown wrapper due to exit code rule
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|stop from Thread yajsw.controller-1 reason: WRAPPER SHUTDOWN
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:35|killing 16675
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|process exit code: 0
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|removed pid file /opt///X/
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|set state IDLE->STATE_SHUTDOWN
INFO|wrapper|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|set state IDLE->STATE_SHUTDOWN
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|gobler terminated ERROR 16675
INFO|16675/0|Service X|20-07-16 01:29:36|gobler terminated OUTPUT 16675

Any suggestion on how to troublehsoot this further?


  • rzo

    rzo - 2020-07-16


    this is not a shutdown bug. according to the log the application has been shut down correctly.

    invocation of /etc/init.d/<service> status
    returns a 0 if the service is running and a 3 otherwise
    systemctl seems to be expecting a different value.
    to query the status of the service use the provided command:

    -- Ron


    Last edit: rzo 2020-07-16
  • Arushi Rai

    Arushi Rai - 2020-07-16

    Sure Ron, let me try that.
    Also, we do have another service running on this server using YAJSW and we did not observe this behavior. Let me dig in to see the difference between the two.

    Thank you for your response. I might reach out to you again if needed :)

  • rzo

    rzo - 2020-10-05

    release 12.15 now supports systemd

  • rzo

    rzo - 2020-10-05
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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