
yaesockets : Yet Another Eiffel Sockets / News: Recent posts

freeze / zip available (ISE & SmartEiffel)

New zip available.

Posted by Marcio Marchini 2003-06-06

freeze / zip available (ISE & SmallEiffel)

New freeze, better comments, udp support compiles.

Posted by Marcio Marchini 2001-05-23

freeze / zip available (ISE & SmallEiffel)

Should work on ISE and SE, Windows or UNIX.

Posted by Marcio Marchini 2001-01-26

Support for select on socket writes

This new version has support fo perform select's on reads or writes.

Posted by Marcio Marchini 2000-12-17

ISE port

yaesockets is being ported to ISE Eiffel, by Andreas Scholz

Posted by Marcio Marchini 2000-12-07