
#241 Documentation unclear about --show-uri, or it doesn't work


I've read the man page and examples here and elsewhere, but really, there should be quick example usage for each option

Please post a simple example of --show-uri in the --text-info dialogue.

This doesn't work:

yad --info-text --show-uri --text=""


  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2014-09-15

    I've tried simply inserting html, and that works, but the --show-uri isn't even needed in that case.

  • Victor Ananjevsky

    --show-uri option works for text in main widget, not for dialog label, which sets with --text option/ a simple example:

    echo "show as hyperlink" | yad --text-info --show-uri

  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2014-09-16

    Thank you. I wish documentation for yad included these simple examples for the various options. I thought the --text option was required to get any text at all into the --text-info dialogue. Now, I understand how it was really meant to be used.

    Please consider adding simple examples because neither the man page nor examples provided on this site and others come anywhere close to explaining how to use yad.

  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2014-09-16

    I just realized I've been using "--info-text" in this post instead of "--text-info", but when you're not piping anything into it and just using --text for what it displays, it actually doesn't matter if the rest is nonsense.

    Anyway, replace "--info-text" with "--text-info" in my posts above, and it's all still true.

    Thanks for showing me how to actually use yad though. I was putting all the dialogue text in the label before! I was wondering why it was all grey background instead of white.


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