How close dialog after run a function with custom button?
Yet Another Dialog
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i append my own button and put a function for it but i want when the button pressed and function run the dialog close. it doesn't happen . how can i do that ?
function create(){
echo "create here"
export -f create
function append(){
echo "append here"
export -f append
yad --form --title='How Compile?' \ --text="\n\tHow do you want to compile?\t" \ --image="help-about" \ --window-icon="help-about" --center --button="Create New!document-save:bash -c create;0" --button="Append!document-revert:bash -c append && exit" --kill-parent=SIGKILL
send SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 (depends on what exit code you want) to $YAD_PID from your functions
for example