
YaCC - Yet another COSI Clone / News: Recent posts

YaCC v1.0.1 RC 1 released

Release 1.0.1 RC 1 solves STO B <NUMBER> problem, when storing data in stack area. Additionally some StdOut/-Err debug messages are removed. We recommend to use this version.

Posted by Lyse 2008-12-21

YaCC - Yet another COSI Clone 1.0 RC5 released

Today, the (hopefully) last release before the final version of yacc-cosi has been released. It contains some important bugfixes in the arithmetic logical unit - the core of the simulation.

To avoid defective simulation results, we recommend users of the program to update their versions as soon as possible.

Posted by Daniel Gall 2007-03-05

YaCC v1.0 RC4 released

Tonight YaCC version 1.0 release candidate 4 is released.
It now supports merging commands in the RAM while editing existing commands. Additionally a link to this project site on was added in the information dialog.
Preview on the final release: Tomorrow there will be a further practical test. If this test will be successful a final release can be published. The final version includes a new start parameter: -l or --lookandfeel can be used to set YaCC's look-and-feel. Now YaCC always loads the system default one.

Posted by Lyse 2006-11-22

YaCC v1.0 RC3 released

YaCC v1.0 RC3 was released today!

- stack pointer and base pointer accept values in RAM interval (0-1399)
- clearing error messages on new file, open file, save file and export file
- supports --help/-h, --version/-v and --force/-f flags (--force doesn't check the JRE version (must be >= 1.5))
- moving commands bug (if command was clear, zero was written into RAM) solved
- new information dialog including developpers e-mail addresses

Posted by Lyse 2006-11-21