


Release 1.1.6

  • Support of seek and position info for local and remote player (Ticket #112)
  • correct lint messages (Ticket #103)
  • removed third party jar from project (Ticket #102)
  • Bugfixes
    autopause when showing pictures (Ticket #113)
    Problems running Yaacc on Samsung devices (Ticket #111)
    Odd behaiour from YAACC's built-in local server (Ticket #110)
    YAACC Local Renderer not working (Ticket #109)

  • Infrastructural
    Setup dev box based on docker (Ticket #105)

Release 1.1.5

  • Improved main UI
    The UI now is tab based for easier selecting server, content, receiver and player
  • Speed up browsing media libraries
  • DLNA server name instead of server type
  • Add volume control to remote player
  • Allow download files to the device
  • Improved multi player support if using yaacc renderer
    Implemented parts of UPnP Version 3 at once, which allows sending synchronization information to the renderer.
  • in app log view
    viewing the log is only permitted in app if your device isn't rooted. So it is now easier to report errors.
  • Bug fixes
  • use gradle as build system


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