
XypherChat / News: Recent posts

Project Overhaul

The design of project XypherChat (or lack thereof) requires that we do a complete project overhaul, rewriting the design documents and code for much of the system.

XypherChat is currently undergoing a complete overhaul. I was going to release it as is, but it was just too slow and the code was a nightmare. Stay tuned for the alpha in a few weeks.-- 25 Sep 2003

Posted by James Yates, IV 2003-09-24

Upcoming XypherChat Alpha

We are currently in the pre-alpha/design stage of XypherChat, for those who may want to know. Final designs should be finished by the end of next week. We are already starting to code the main codebase of the application.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Posted by James Yates, IV 2003-06-09