
4WS.Platform: released a new version 4.0.2

These are the new features and fixes included with this realese:

Community Edition
- Fixed virtual fields delate on business component edit
- Fixed click event on button columns
- Fixed events manage on lookup grids
- Added the generation of a change value event on clearable combobox
- Fixed problem with permissions on columns, in case of permissions admin user
- Fixed login page for themes
- Fixed selection icon field for tree panels
- Fixed renderer of columns button
- Fixed import dati from csv file
- Fixed min and max value on number controls
- Fixed levels definition of tree panels
- Fixed problem when using enavled/disabled checkboes on actions and panel buttons
- Fixed problem when creating a js action starting from a double click event on creation of a panel button
- Fixed load data on selectors detail
- Fixed problem when uploading files and file name, in case of re-upload of a file which replaces the previous one
- Fixed problem when importing users from users list using an xls file
- Added variable for a datastore of a remote combo, composed of column id + grid id
- Added buttons menu on topbar
- Added variables for additional querys
- Improve selection of the default values in grids and details
- Modified compatibility of IE
- Added autocompletition feature for each attribute of each pane included in the window related to an action linked to events for panels, columns, controls, filters, buttons
- Added sever-side js methods for create and write csv files

Enterprise Edition
- Added block for mobile devices

Posted by Lorenzo Luccon 2016-03-03

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