

FAQ (2)
Russell Shilling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers: [UserInfo] to some (more or less) frequently asked questions.


Currently the following tutorials are available:

  • The Beginner's Tutorial: [BeginnerTutorial] guides you through the first steps in the usage of XTrackCAD.
  • The Structure Tutorial: [StructureTutorial] shows how to create your own structure library from publicly available information.
  • There are short (one page) tutorials on specific tasks
  • ModellingIn3D shows how to use a different package to view XTrackCAD plans in 3D.

Video Tutorials

#### V5 Previews

How Tos

Supported Track Manufacturers

XTrackCAD comes with a broad range of definitions for track components and accessories: [ParameterFiles].



Wiki: BeginnerTutorial
Wiki: Home
Wiki: UserInfo