
Tree [70b188] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 doc 2002-11-01 David Dooling David Dooling [82efee] - closed a paragraph and added an hrule
 dtd 2002-11-13 David Dooling David Dooling [5f0d99] - added new attributes for parameters in accord...
 patch 2012-06-08 David Dooling David Dooling [70b188] removed patch/.cvsignore
 COPYING 2002-07-02 David Dooling David Dooling [b2ea39] Initial revision
 ChangeLog 2002-08-05 David Dooling David Dooling [408847] - added change to dtd
 README 2002-07-02 David Dooling David Dooling [b2ea39] Initial revision

Read Me

XSQL combines the power of XML and SQL to provide a language and
database independent means to store and retrieve SQL queries and their

Motivation for XSQL

XSQL is the combination of XML (Extensible Markup Language) and SQL
(Structured Query Language) to provide a language and database
independent means for storing SQL queries and query results.  XSQL
currently includes a DTD (Document Type Declaration) to define the
structure of an XSQL document and a Perl module,, which is
able to parse XSQL documents and provide a tree-based API (Application
Programming Interface) to their elements.  In Perl, there currently
exists the ability to save output from SQL queries as XML with the
XML::Generator::DBI module.  It is also possible to save ``snippets''
of SQL queries and later retrieve them using the new SQL::Snippet
module.  However, neither of these modules take advantage of the
other, and SQL::Snippet does not provide enough flexibility or
database and language independence (which XSQL will provide).  XSQL
will provide an end-to-end solution for handling SQL in Perl (other
languages can be suported if there is interest).  The DTD will be
supported on all platforms and the Perl module will be supported on
all platforms that support Perl and its XML modules.

Emacs and XSQL

I recommend using the '.xsql' extension on your XSQL files.  To get
Emacs to recognize these files as XML documents, add the following
line to your .emacs file:

    (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.xsql" . xml-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

In addition, the PSGML mode for Emacs is excellent for editing XML
(and SGML) documents.  To use it, add the following lines to your
.emacs file:

    (autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit XML files." t)
    (setq sgml-insert-missing-element-comment nil)