
XSong / News: Recent posts

Initial note

I did some work at XSong and XChords. It's ready for internet usage. It's not ready for PDF.
And that's why I'm waiting with initial release.
FOP is now finally again living and developing new features, so I hope, somewhere during the 2006 will be able to do (xsl-fo), what I need to produce the same output as for internet (css).

Anyway, if You are interested in the css version, let me know, i can release it, if You need.

Posted by mirek mocek 2005-12-26

XSong archive

There is song archive at
Whole archive (including indexes and chord images) was generated for web with 1 command from XML sources.
It is initial taste of what is possible with XSong and XChords tools.

Stay tuned and let me know!

Posted by mirek mocek 2005-09-28