
is there a way to deep copy data into an instance *preserving* what is already there?

  • Luis Tavera

    Luis Tavera - 2018-10-25


    I am trying to implement an interface with two selects and a two buttons to move the selected items from the first to the second or from the second to the first, but when I do a deep copy of the items (as in the deep-copy.xml example) the destination is overwritten with the source data. Is there a way to insert without overwriting?



  • Alain Couthures

    Alain Couthures - 2018-11-11

    Hi Luis,

    This might not be as easy as it seems to implement this with XForms.

    First, I would use select/itemset/copy to always have a copy of each set of selected items somewhere in a work instance.

    Then, each trigger should copy the corresponding selected items using insert at the end of the targeted select. Please have a look at for more details.

    Finally, deleting the inserted copy should be enough to refresh the initial select.

    This has not yet been tested with XSLTForms...

    Thank you for your feedback!



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