
Tree [2d8ee5] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 XsldbgModelsTest 2018-05-19 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [228d5c] WIP do not push to, implemented but brok...
 debian 2018-08-12 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [f15faa] Initial debian build scripts#2
 docs 2018-10-07 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [2d8ee5] Fix doc install dependancies
 icons 2018-07-29 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [e9790c] qxsldbg only:Provide different sizes of Desktop...
 images 2018-07-11 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [aa8064] qxsldbg only:Fix local and installed images
 man1 2018-09-10 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [60dba4] Mention khelpcentre documentation
 src 2018-10-07 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [31bbdd] Correct install path of Desktop files
 win32 2009-10-10 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [9e05a9] cvs ignore more files
 .gitignore 2018-09-02 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [50d2f7] Ignore build directory
 .gitmodules 2018-06-09 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [1fa28c] Fix relative module path
 COPYING 2009-10-05 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [e19ffc] Initial port to Qt 4.4.x, basicly working
 COPYING.DOC 2009-10-05 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [e19ffc] Initial port to Qt 4.4.x, basicly working
 COPYING.LIB 2009-10-05 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [e19ffc] Initial port to Qt 4.4.x, basicly working
 ChangeLog 2018-10-06 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [7e7c13] Correct dist/install of files addparam.xsl, Cha... 2018-09-23 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [1514fa] Remove dependancy on QtWebEngine 2018-10-07 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [4c147c] Update build test script
 escapeChangeLog.sed 2018-09-02 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [68bc0f] Simplify updating ChangeLog 2018-10-06 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [7e7c13] Correct dist/install of files addparam.xsl, Cha... 2018-10-07 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [4c147c] Update build test script 2018-09-10 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [fe22c0] Correct documentation build logic and documenta...
 qxsldbg.spec 2018-10-01 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [b0575b] Bump to version 4.8.0
 qxsldbg_centos.custom_spec 2018-10-01 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [b0575b] Bump to version 4.8.0
 qxsldbg_suse.custom_spec 2018-10-01 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [b0575b] Bump to version 4.8.0
 xsldbg_setup.bat 2002-09-08 Keith Isdale Keith Isdale [b0f893] 0.7.6

Read Me


qxsldbg provides a Qt5 GUI to access to XSLT debugging via xsldbg.

Features include
* run to a location in XSLT/XML file
* step
* stepup
* stepdown
* next
* continue
* run
* set breakpoints on XSLT/XML files
* view XSLT/XML data
* view and possible set XSLT variables
* view and set XSLT parameter variables feed to XSLT tranformation
* view result of XPath expressions
* watch result of XPath expressions
* list templates in use
* list stylesheets in use
* list general parsed entities in use

Using code from git

qxsldbg makes use of submodules to setup the needed module run
git submodule init
git submodule update

To be able to compile qxsldbg the libraries xsldbg and qtnotifier will be built
in xsldbg_submodule directory. See xsldbg_submodule/ for details of
required environment setup.

Install dependancies

This package requiries
* Qt5.5 Core, GUI and Network module development libraries/headers to be present
* libexslt, libxslt and libxml2 libraries/headers to be present.

As example install prerequisites on
* OpenSuse Linux:

sudo zypper install rpmbuild patterns-openSUSE-devel_qt5
patterns-openSUSE-devel_basis patterns-openSUSE-devel_C_C++ libxslt-devel
libxml2-devel libxslt libxml2
  • Centos:

    sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ make rpm-build libxslt-devel
    libxml2-devel libxslt libxml2 qt5-qtbase-devel
    * Ubuntu based distro:

    sudo apt-get install g++ make qt5-qmake libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
    qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools

Create rpm using rpmbuild

A very simple RPM spec file is provided in package, possibly this will be sufficient
if development dependacies are aready installed

rpmbuild -tb qxsldbg-*.tar.gz

To make used of custom .spec file for supported platforms

mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
cp qxsldbg-*.tar.gz  ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
# download the required .spec from sourceforge or extract from package like
tar xzf ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/qxsldbg-*.tar.gz --wildcards "*/*.custom_spec"
rpmbuild -bb */qxsldbg_*distro*.custom_spec

where distro currently can be
* suse
* centos

Compile *unix manually

For unix when Qt5s qmake is present:
qmake-qt5 -r
sudo make install

Note that on some *nix distributions qmake for Qt5 is not in $PATH,use qmake command like
/usr/lib64/qt5/bin/qmake -r
qtchooser -qt=qt5 -run-tool=qmake -r

By default on *nix qxsldbg installation prefix is "/usr" or "\qxsldbg" under Windows
* documentation is installed to /usr/share/doc/packages/qxsldbg or ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/doc/packages/qxsldbg
* application is installed to /usr/bin or ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin

To change the installation prefix run qmake like
qmake-qt5 INSTALL_PREFIX="/some/path"

Currenty no compilation nor testing has been done on Windows(MSVC) though
the following might work if Qt and other dependencies are setup correctly:
qmake-qt5 -r


For futher information see

nb: Some of the documentation has been optimized for KDE so some things
may look a big odd under WIN32. It is recommended that you use
MS WordPad to open README and other text file.

Creating distribution package

To create dist packages in *nix the following must be present, see the script
* tar
* bzip2
* zip