
xsldbg / News: Recent posts

New 4.8.0 release for xsldbg/qxsldbg products

Minor improvement vs 4.7.0 release, the main changes are
* providing prebuilt Win32 binaries
* adding 'list' command to list the local XSLT/XML file being processed

For more information see

Posted by Keith Isdale 2018-10-19 Labels: release

New 4.8.0 release for xsldbg/qxsldbg products

Minor improvement vs 4.7.0 release, the main changes are
* providing prebuilt Win32 binaries
* adding 'list' command to list the local XSLT/XML file being processed

For more information see

Posted by Keith Isdale 2018-10-19 Labels: release

New 4.7.0 release for xsldbg/qxsldbg/kxsldbg/xsldbg-mode products

Major release of all xsldbg based products to suit Qt 5.5+ is now available including a new kate plugin for KDE.

For more information see

Posted by Keith Isdale 2018-09-10 Labels: release

xsldbg-mode 3.5.5 is released

xsldbg-mode 3.5.5 has been released. This release is a bug fix release to suite newer versions of xsldbg. This release also includes some minor new features. For more details see

Posted by Keith Isdale 2007-10-13

KXsldbg/quanta-patch provided in KDE3.2 beta 1

Work on KXsldbg and quanta-patch has now been transfered to KXsldbg in Quanta ie: <Quanta_kdecvs_checkout>/quanta/parts/kxsldbg


No futher releases of KXsldbg nor quanta-patch from are expected

Posted by Keith Isdale 2003-11-07

xsldbg-3.1.7 released

xsldbg is a command line tool to debug XSLT scripts see:

This release includes
o support for orphaned breakpoints
o support for MacOSX
o several bug fixes

Please note that xsldbg-mode users will need to updgrade to xsldbg-mode-3.1.7 to get the best from xsldbg-3.1.7.

For the release notes see

For the source download see read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2003-08-10

qxsldbg vs libxsldbg, libqtnotifier download count

There is a significant difference in the number of downloads of the verses + Would someone email me to explain what the problem is thanks. This questions comes up because the ratio of downloads would needs to be a 1:1.

nb:I'll be starting on the sumo source packages for qxsldbg at the end of January.


Keith Isdale <>

Posted by Keith Isdale 2003-01-05

qxsldbg-0.7.9 release for WIN32

qxsldbg is a GUI front end to xsldbg, a XSLT debugger.

The first beta for qxsldbg under WIN32 has been released. This includes a prebuilt binary and separate source packages.

Compared to last WIN32 release, significant improvements have been made to
o qxsldbg's usability and user interface
o robustness to unexpected events
o the build system, by making use of tmake "pro" files in qxsldbg and its underpinning libraries
o documentation
o number of bugs, there are no known bugs present in qxsldbg

and read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-12-07

Online user manual for qxsldbg now available

qxsldbg is a GUI front end to xsldbg made with Qt2.x/3.x to xsldbg, a XSLT debugger.

An updated user manual is now available for qxsldbg at
For more information on xsldbg see


Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-09-17

xsldbg-3.1.0 released for *nix

This release includes bug fixes and addtional commands. For more info see the changelog via

Keith Isdale

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-09-15

qxsldbg-0.7.7 released for *nix

qxsldbg is a graphical front end to xsldbg, a XSLT debugger. See

This release includes
o improvements to the user interface
o better error handling
o additional tool bars to access more xsldbg commands
o a better user manual
o simplified build scripts

For forther information see the changelog at
and and online users manual at read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-09-15

xsldbg-3.1.0 win32 binaries released

Binaries of xsldbg to suit win32 consoles have been made.


This does not include a release of qxsldbg which is still being worked on. And this version will not work with current release of xsldbg-mode.

Thanks goes to Igor for doing this.

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-08-25

xsldbg development starts for final development cycle

Work has commenced on
o Outstanding bugs in xsldbg
o Update on KDbg related with changes to be commited into the KDbg project once changes have been proven stable
o Update of qxsldbg to fix user interface problems

It is likely that xsldbg related code will go into stable release at the end of this development cycle. This means xsldbg related products will be only updated thereafter in response to bug reports. Please report any bugs you have found so that they can be fixed.

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-07-15

Comments on qxsldbg's user interface requested

Have your say in what qxsldbg could look like. Goto

A new development cycle is slated to start July/August

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-05-16

Mandrake binaries for xsldbg and qxsldbg

Robert Jacolin has kindly made RPMS to suit Mandrake 8.2

For the details
in English see
in French

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-05-06

Include paths and qxsldbg

You may need to modify the or so that is added after the current definition for the include path with something like

INCLUDE += /$KDEDIR/include

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-29

xsldbg-2.1.8/2.1.9 and WIN32 requires latestest libxml2

xsldbg-2.1.8 and above will need latest version of libxml2, you can get the binarys from Igor site see


you can remove the
compile option from libxsldbg.dsp. Though this will mean that you can't set breakpoints on included XML entities.



Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-23

qxsldbg-0.6 cvs release, possible problems with tmake

qxsldbg has been added to xsldbg's cvs. This is version provides "markers" at the start of a line that a breakpoint has been set at. This version needs work to be remove excessive flickering when drawing text and breakpoint markers.

This version also fixes a bug #543288 "Errors using file names with spaces"
see read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-22

xsldbg-2.1.9 cvs bug fix release for win32

A bug fix has been applied to the HEAD of xsldbg's cvs. This fixes possible problems with seg faults under win32.

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-22

xsldbg 2.1.8, request for testers

xsldbg 2.1.8 includes support for XSL debugging under linux, cygwin and win32. This release includes
o several bugs fixes and improvements
o support for KDbg and qxsldbg
o an update to xsldbg-mode
o binaries to suit WIN32

qxsldbg a work in progress that provides a GUI front end to xsldbg using QT2/QT3

xsldbg-mode contains the lisp scripts needed debug XSL in an xemacs mode using xsldbg and has been tested under xemacs for WIN32 and linux. ... read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-10

XSLT debugging support in development version of KDbg

KDbg has a development version that now supports XSLT debugging. This support is an improved version of KDbg patch available on this site.

for how to get it from cvs

A point to note use the "execution" -> "argumments" menu item then select the XML data file desired using the topmost ".." button on dialog show.... read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-07

Replacement for Quanta+ plugin : runs under QT2/QT3

As a result of ongoing problems with Quanta+. qxsldbg has been made

qxsldbg can be compiled and run under QT2 or QT3 and is a standalone application that uses the libraries created by xsldbg.

Snapshot of qxslbg running have been provided plus the qxsldbg sources. A new release of xsldbg is planned for late this week. If you want to give it a try the check out the HEAD of xsldbg's cvs.

Feedback would be most welcome.... read more

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-04-02

Experimental release with Cygwin support in cvs

It should be possible to compile under Cygwin in a cvs release tagged rel-2-1-5. A small number of changes were needed to make this happen. Xsldbg successfully compiled into an xsldbg.exe and the supporting library using the latest Cygwin.

See ChangeLog for extra information.

Feedback on this would be appreciated as I've newly instally Cygwin.

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-03-04


xsldbg-mode the set of xemacs scripts that allow XSLT debugging in xemacs has been updated. This includes fixes for highlighting xsldbg output.
This will work with xsldbg-2.0.6 or later


Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-02-19

MSVC project files for xsldbg

MSVC users please checkout xsldbg from cvs to get the project files. This will be resolved in release 2.0.9. dsp files are in the cvs directory xsldbg/win32/dsp/

Posted by Keith Isdale 2002-02-17