
Man Page


Example 1 (backup all running VMs with busybox bin is in default location):
xsibackup --backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/backup --backup-type=running --smtp-auth=plain --smtp-usr=username --smtp-pwd=password --subject="Virtual Machine Backup"

Example 2 (backup 2 VMs even if they are swiched off):
xsibackup --backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/backup --backup-type=custom --backup-vms=WINDOWSVM1,LINUXVM2 --smtp-auth=plain --smtp-usr=username --smtp-pwd=password --subject="Virtual Machine Backup"



Full path to the busybox binary. A VMware ESXi 5.1 compatible © busybox binary is provided in the distribution package. You will need this program to send e-mail reports, this is the only dependency on this package. There is a busybox version already installed with ESXi but it is feature limited and cannot be used for e-mail communications. Please do remember to put this binary somewhere in a persistent path as with newer versions of ESXi the local filesystem is not persistent across reboots. We recommend to use some folder under /vmfs/volumes. If you do not provide this parameter the program will asume busybox is in the same directory as the program itself.


Full path to the backup mount point in the local server where it will tipically be under /vmfs/volumes, i.e. /vmfs/volumes/backup.

--backup-type (custom | all | running)

Custom: if this methos is chosen then a list of the VMs to backup must be passed to the --backup-vms option.
All: backup -all- VMS.
Running: backup only running virtual machines. They will be cleanly shutdown and backed up then switched on again.


List of virtual machines to backup as a colon separated list, i.e: --backup-vms=VM1,VM2,VM3, only needed if "custom" is selected as the --backup-type


E-mail address as from where the HTML e-mail report will be sent.


E-mail address to which the HTML e-mail report will be sent.


Subject in the HTML e-mail subject field.


SMTP server that we will use to send the HTML e-mail report through.

--smtp-auth (plain|none)

SMTP authentication type
plain: username & password in plain text
none: no authentication, needed per instance if you are using a SMTP server in your lan without authentication.


SMTP username we will use in the plain text SMTP authentication. Please note this is the only authentication method supported by esxbackup by now.


SMTP password used for authentication against the SMTP server.