
Backup kills VM

  • mbosshard

    mbosshard - 2015-11-18


    I've a little problem with xsibackup :(
    Every morning my server stop working and when i connect with the vSphere Client i see a yello exclamation mark on the VM... to low disk space...

    "my cronjob worked over night.. :)"

    i've to delete the snapshot and than i can start the vm again...

    general question, have i to leave any free space on the disk for the snapshot?.

    Here the final 4 Column of the backuplog

    Clone: 100% done
    Remove all snapshots failed
    Firwall rule SMTPout added...
    nc:getaddrinfo: Name ore service not known

    i've installed this backupsystem about over 20 Systems and it works perfectly! :)
    i think i have to learn more about this snapshot system, how it works, what of space it require....

    i think when the snapshot starts the disks raise up with data till the snapshot will be delete again... that right?

    many thanks!

    best regards

  • mbosshard

    mbosshard - 2015-11-21

    second xsibackup on à different server that work till now got the saim problem... Remove all snapshots failed...

    and the report e-mail don't tell me anything about this error.. just complete backup...


    Last edit: mbosshard 2015-11-21
  • 33HOPS

    33HOPS - 2015-11-21

    Of course you need enough room in your hosts for the hypervisor to operate correctly.
    The way snapshots work is pretty simple (conceptually): when you take a snapshot the VM starts to work on top of it recording data to this new file. The base .vmdk disks are freed, and as they are no longer blocked by the VM process XSIBackup can copy them to the backup location. Once the backup is finished the snapshot is removed, what it really means is that the data that was temporarily recorded on the snapshot file is merged with the base .vmdk file.

    • mbosshard

      mbosshard - 2015-11-23

      ok i found the problem... we have an other external backup that starts over night... that software don't only do an upload, its copy first all data on the local harddisk..

      so what happend is that the 10-30Gb free space in the datastore1 wasn't enougth

      thx for help :)


      Last edit: mbosshard 2015-11-25

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