
XS DataForm Builder / News: Recent posts

Multi-table Inserts/Updates supported

Version 0.9.2b now supports inserting new records and updating existing records that span multiple tables. The tables must have a one-to-one relationship, and the xml definition file must be coded by hand for all tables other than the primary, and for all fields belonging to tables other than the primary.

Posted by Ryan LaNeve 2001-07-30

Updated version / re-write

Version 0.9.2b was just released. This was an almost complete re-write of the previous version, and affords much more flexibility to the developer when using the system. Documentation should follow soon.

Posted by Ryan LaNeve 2001-07-30

First working sample

An example of the Form Builder in action was uploaded today. Included is the first release of the Form_Builder VBS class file (the workhorse), the first release of the validator JS file, a file to create test objects/data within an MS SQL Server Database, an XML Form Definition file for the test table, and a sample ASP page which consumes the XML Form Definition file to create and display the form.... read more

Posted by Ryan LaNeve 2001-06-22

Project Created/Status

The project was created on SourceForge today.

The project is currently in an alpha phase. Roughly 70% of the XML schema has been defined, and 60%-70% of the ASP/VBS code which parses the XML file to generate the HTML form is done.

Posted by Ryan LaNeve 2001-05-18