Activity for XSCHEM

  • stefan stefan modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Things to check: 1) Ensure you have no pre-compiled xschem package installed on the system. If there is one you can delete it with sudo apt purge xschem. These pre-built packages are way too old. 2) Install xschem from one of the source repositories. Follow instructions here. 3) If you have an existing ~/.xschem directory rename this one to something different: mv ~/.xschem ~/.xschem_old 4) The first time you run xschem it will create a ~/.xschemdirectory and copies a template xschemrc file inside...

  • stefan stefan posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Things to check: 1) Ensure you have no pre-compiled xschem package installed on the system. If there is one you can delete it with sudo apt purge xschem. These pre-built packages are way too old. 2) Install xschem from one of the source repositories. Follow instructions here. 3) If you have an existing ~/.xschem directory rename this one to something different: mv ~/.xschem ~/.xschem_old 4) The first time you run xschem it will create a ~/.xschemdirectory and copies a template xschemrc file inside...

  • dick freebird dick freebird posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The symbol libraries which come with the install tarball, need to be "pointed at" by some entry in the PATH that's set in the xschemrc file first-found at startup. Check the default search path and add the real one, if absent or "custom setup". If you use the instance-place form right, you may be able to find your target by up / down navigation but this is likelier if you're "somewhere close" (like maybe the library is one level down).

  • stefan stefan committed [r3381] on Code

    do not reset xctx->netlist_name after doing `Netlist` from gui (xschem netlist -erc)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3380] on Code

    add "proc ev7" (same as "proc ev", 7 significant digits)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3379] on Code

    proc edit_prop: correctly set editprop_sympath when tcleval(...) is used

  • stefan stefan committed [r3378] on Code

    remove testcase in comp_ngspice.sch

  • stefan stefan committed [r3377] on Code

    sym_vs_sch_pins(): do tcl substitution on symbol references found in schematic being compared with symbol

  • stefan stefan committed [r3376] on Code

    load_sym_def(): process tcleval(....) (if present) in `name` argument (use tcl_hook2())

  • stefan stefan committed [r3375] on Code

    node_hash.c optimization: use inst[].lab instead of get_tok_value(..., "lab"...)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3374] on Code

    let symbol name entry box in component edit property dialog box expand in X direction if dialog box is enlarged

  • stefan stefan committed [r3373] on Code

    update hash calculation in xschemtest.tcl for LCC_instances netlist (due to changes in schematic)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3372] on Code

    replace "UNDEF" with "-" in backannotated nodes that have no value in raw file.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3371] on Code

    add .options savecurrents in examples/LCC_instances.sch

  • stefan stefan committed [r3370] on Code

    ipdated examples/poweramp_lcc.sch

  • stefan stefan committed [r3369] on Code

    draw node names in graphs even if specified file / analysis (graph rawfile or sim_type attributes) is not loaded

  • stefan stefan committed [r3368] on Code

    if autoload is set in graph and a filename is given (rawfile graph attr) load raw file immediately when drawing graph. Don`t wait for user to load an intiial raw file to trigger auto loading

  • stefan stefan committed [r3367] on Code

    double clicking in the center of a graph will now bring up the graph edit attributes dialog box even if no raw file is loaded

  • stefan stefan committed [r3366] on Code

    set autoload on poweramp.sch graphs

  • stefan stefan committed [r3365] on Code

    changed current annotator texts in symbols to layer 17 (green-cyan) instead of blue

  • stefan stefan committed [r3364] on Code

    set verison to 3.4.6RC (Release Candidate) to avoid confusion

  • stefan stefan committed [r3363] on Code

    bump version to 3.4.6, will be next release when fully tested

  • stefan stefan committed [r3362] on Code

    remove memory tracking alloc IDs

  • stefan stefan committed [r3361] on Code

    fix another small memory leak due to tclvareval("xschem exit...")--> use tcleval()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3360] on Code

    fix memory leaks introduced since introduction of my_expand()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3359] on Code

    graphs will autoload (if autoload checked) raw data even if no raw file is specified in graph dialog box (use current loaded raw file, usually a different analysis)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3358] on Code

    save 4 vars ( node, ph(node), re(node, im(node) ) instead of 2 ( node, ph(node )for ac plots

  • stefan stefan committed [r3357] on Code

    use atof_spice() instead of atof() to read cursor position data from graph attributes

  • stefan stefan committed [r3356] on Code

    Add "private cursor" check box in graph dialog box. This allow the related graph to have separate "a" and "b" cursors. These cursor positions are saved with the schematic and are thus persistent when reloading the schematic.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3355] on Code

    correctly set top_path and current_win_path in preview_window() when calling alloc_xschem_data(), don`t use fake window paths (alert_ proc uses parent win path)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3354] on Code

    fix a bug in preview symbol displaying when inserting components. Toplevel .load widget was destroyed before cleaning preview data in preview_window(), so after some insertion preview was no more displayed.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3353] on Code

    resolved_net(): correctly handle subschematic nets attached via port to upper global node. (return VCC instead of x1.VCC)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3352] on Code

    remove backslashes in translate3() call in draw_temp_symbol(), as done in draw_symbol()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3351] on Code

    removed pointless my_strcat() in translate3()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3350] on Code

    better backslash handling in translate3()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3349] on Code

    fix escape recognition in translate3(), so in symbol texts it is possible to write \\@name to an instance attribute to get literal @name in displayed text instead of the instance name. fix typo in tutorial_use_existing_subckt.html. some schematic updates (no more enable show_pin_net_names tcl variable)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3348] on Code

    port ordering for a schematic .subckt line will always be deduced from the symbol if it exists, even if the symbol type is not "subcircuit" (so it will be used for also "primitive" type symbols).

  • stefan stefan committed [r3347] on Code

    add tcl xschemrc variable "select_touch" that enables selecting objects touched by the selection rectangle if dragging to the left. Previously this behavior was enabled by "incremental_select" that shows selected elements while dragging. These two optional behaviors are now enabled/disabled by separate variables

  • stefan stefan committed [r3346] on Code

    highlight disconnected instances at end of netlisting to better find them

  • stefan stefan committed [r3345] on Code

    issue a netlist error (and report message) if instances with pins have *all* pins disconnected. This is in 99.999% of the cases an error.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3344] on Code

    added tcl variable top_is_subckt and related Simulation->LVS menu, that keeps top level wrapped inside a .subckt / .ends, as lvs_netlist does. However top_is_subckt does only that and will not enable lvs_format to differentiate device lines in netlist (usually used for LVS comparison).

  • stefan stefan committed [r3343] on Code

    update install_xschem.html (xschemrc lookup at startup)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3342] on Code

    symbols picked up from CWD are saved in parent design without absolute paths even if the CWD is not in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH list of places.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3341] on Code

    update hash netlist value in xschemtest.tcl for rom8k.sch

  • stefan stefan committed [r3340] on Code

    small changes (typos) in autozero_comp.sch

  • stefan stefan committed [r3339] on Code

    update simulator_commands.sym and simulator_commands_shown.sym to handle wrong simulator names (no `?` in netlist)

  • Paul Bodenstab Paul Bodenstab posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Many thanks Stefan!

  • stefan stefan posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The -l log command option is meant to put all stderr messages into a file (log in this case). Unfortunately the erc messages after a netlist were written to stderr instead of the specified log file. The last commit fixes this. Add -l log to your netlist command and all stderr messages go to log

  • stefan stefan committed [r3338] on Code

    add `xschem log_write text` command so erc error messages are written into errfp instead of stderr by tcl

  • Paul Bodenstab Paul Bodenstab posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I often want to write scripts that just create netlists of various circuits. I can easily execute the following on the terminal command line to do this: xschem -q -x -n -s -N test.deck test.sch All is fine as long as there were no errors found during the netlisting process. If any errors/warnings were found then these errors are printed to stderr. If I want to capture these errors then I do the following: xschem -q -x -n -s -N test.deck test.sch 2>test.err This is easy enough as long as I do this...

  • stefan stefan committed [r3337] on Code

    fix_symbols: add optional pattern parameter: `fix_symbols 0 devices`

  • stefan stefan committed [r3336] on Code

    sym_vs_sch_pins(): check for not NULL pin_dir to avoid crash, as per Tim Edwards findings

  • stefan stefan committed [r3335] on Code

    fix typos in html docs

  • stefan stefan committed [r3334] on Code

    doc minor edits

  • stefan stefan committed [r3333] on Code

    update xschem_man/tutorial_use_existing_subckt.html, `Completely specify a subcircuit in the format section of the symbol`

  • stefan stefan committed [r3332] on Code

    add graph_autoload to tctx::global_list

  • stefan stefan committed [r3331] on Code

    add autoload checkbutton in graph properties to automatically load or not custom graph-specified raw files

  • stefan stefan committed [r3330] on Code

    add `global=...` attribute description on component instances in xschem manual

  • stefan stefan committed [r3329] on Code

    allow `global` atttributes on instances of gnd.sym and vdd.sym to override symbol `global` setting. This allows also to set global=1 to net labels (lab_net.sym, lab_pin.sym) to make the net global.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3328] on Code

    move all @spice_get_current texts in devices/ symbols to layer 12 (blue), to better distinguish from voltage annotators on layer 15 (pink)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3327] on Code

    ps/pdf export: use highlight colors on instances / wires that are highlighted

  • stefan stefan committed [r3326] on Code

    documentation for attribute text_layer_n=lay

  • stefan stefan committed [r3325] on Code

    add attribute text_layer_n=lay, where n = text object inside symbol instance to change its layer

  • stefan stefan committed [r3324] on Code

    add abs_path parameter to get_sym_name() for more flexibility

  • stefan stefan committed [r3323] on Code

    correctly evaluate tcleval(....) in spice_sym_def attributes (ie after substituting @vars)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3322] on Code

    add @symref (in addition to @symname) substitution in spice_sym_def processing

  • stefan stefan committed [r3321] on Code

    enhance spice_sym_def used in instances (with schematic=...) by substituting @param with values defined in instance if any (param=xxx)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3320] on Code

    allow @symname , @param (param defined in symbol template string) translation in instance or symbol spice_sym_def attributes

  • stefan stefan committed [r3319] on Code

    fix erroneous select_touch() usage if incremental_select is set to 0 in xschemrc

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, I also get same issue when creat netlist in windows : % tcleval(): evaluation of script: netlist {D:/Sim_Models/simulation/.rlc_26112} show {rlc.spice} failed : couldn't execute "awk": no such file or directory When I patched awk with gawk-3.1.6-1-setup.exe, the netlist file generated BUT looks wrong and can't accept by ngspice:

  • stefan stefan committed [r3318] on Code

    doc updates (dataset specification in graphs.html)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3317] on Code

    removed previously added use_pwd_instead_of_current_dirname tcl variable: now a `.` in search path is always assumed to be [pwd] and not the directory of the currently opened schematic. This will hopefully fix an endless list of user complains when using symbols from dirs not listed in XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3316] on Code

    add use_pwd_instead_of_current_dirname xschemrc variable to replace curr_dirname in `proc abs_sym_path` and `proc rel_sym_path` with [pwd] instead of [xschem get current_dirname] (the path of currently loaded schematic)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3315] on Code

    fix tcleval called with 2 arguments on windows build in print_image()

  • stefan stefan committed [r3314] on Code

    fix bus_tap netlisting with bus pin (pin # 1) connected to unnamed net. If Tap pin (pin # 0) was already named as #net... (unnamed net ) delete and take name from bus pin and tap index

  • stefan stefan committed [r3313] on Code

    sim_pinnumber attribute on schematic pins will be used for top level .subckt pin ordering if no corresponding symbol exists when creating a spice netlist

  • stefan stefan committed [r3312] on Code

    proc ev, ev0, to_eng: evaluate expr at global scope so global vars will be expanded correctly ($path)

  • XSCHEM XSCHEM released /xschem-3.4.5.tar.gz

  • stefan stefan committed [r3311] on Code

    update Changelog to 3.4.5

  • stefan stefan committed [r3310] on Code

    Use by default *.{sym,tcl} pattern in insert symbol and component browser

  • stefan stefan committed [r3309] on Code

    `xschem setprop rect layer number fill val` : update cacted .fill value, if a full path is given with -N set netlist file name as well as destination path; allow right click waveforms to set to bold even if cursors are drawn

  • stefan stefan committed [r3308] on Code

    update all text_bbox() calls to account for tabs in bbox calculation

  • stefan stefan committed [r3307] on Code

    use $tabstop setting in tk text widgets

  • stefan stefan committed [r3306] on Code

    handle TABs in draw_string() (also ps and svg draw_string()), tcl var tabstop (default = 8) sets the tab positions.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3305] on Code

    xschem swap_cursors does not redraw. Use xschem redraw for that

  • stefan stefan committed [r3304] on Code

    update docs on new `xschem cursor` and `xschem swap_cursors` commands

  • stefan stefan committed [r3303] on Code

    added command `xschem cursor 1|0 1|0` to enable or disable cursors via cmdline

  • stefan stefan committed [r3302] on Code

    add command `xschem swap_cursors`

  • stefan stefan committed [r3301] on Code

    uniquify /tmp/xschem_web (--> /tmp/xschem_web_xxxxxx), also handle like /tmp/xschem_undo_xxxxx, create on startup and remove on exit.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3300] on Code

    update out of date doc image

  • stefan stefan committed [r3299] on Code

    tests/netlisting.tcl: better error checking. Distinguish a general failure from an ERC netlist error (xschem return code 10)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3298] on Code

    netlist errors (if xschemrun from cmdline) return exit code 10

  • stefan stefan committed [r3297] on Code

    do not allow wrap variable to be set in draw_graph() and graph_fullyzoom() if viewing multiple OP simulations converted to DC (allow_wrap)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3296] on Code

    fix regression (xschem load_new_window was not working anymore with web urls)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3295] on Code

    fix missing type for sym_vs_sch_pins(all)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3294] on Code

    if top level schematic has an associated symbol (.sym) file ensure their ports match, otherwise issue an error. if netlisting fails return non zero exit code if netlisting from command line

  • stefan stefan committed [r3293] on Code

    translate(): return @spice_get_* tokens in engineerring notation if no tcleval(...) is used (no further expr processing)

  • stefan stefan committed [r3292] on Code

    resolved_net(): resolve nets passed to symbols via attributes, avoid using dtoa_eng() in returned spice voltages, use dtoa(), since it may be used further in tcl expressions.

  • stefan stefan committed [r3291] on Code

    spice_get_voltage attributes: assume "0" and "GND" equal to 0.0V (not saved by simulator), added vgs and vds showing in nmos4.sym and pmos4.sym if show/hide->show hidden texts enabled

  • stefan stefan committed [r3290] on Code

    little adjust default layer 11 color (green)

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