
New in version 1.2c2

Notes for xRope-1.2c2:

The releases from the series 1.2c (1.2c1, 1.2c2 etc ...) will be dedicated mainly to:

1) Make the code more robust.
2) Make the existing features more complete, ergonomic, user-friendly.

Still, there is a new feature in version 1.2c2:

New feature in release 1.2c:

A "Run" function has been added (see corresponding "Run" tab in the right hand pane).

The Run "button" in the Run "tab" runs the module which is selected (from the left-hand
build-in file manager -by double-clicking on it's module icon-).

- The output from the program (the selected module) is displayed in the same "Run" tab.
- The output from stdout and stderr are displayed in the same text box with different colors.
- The errors lines giving rise to errors are highlighted in yellow in the output screen.

This "Run" feature should not be run with programs which do not return reasonably fast,
i.e. (FTP or HTTP connections, for instance) or programs which are long to run or blocking.
Such programs are still betrer tested from the command-line in a console.

Posted by Serge Hulne 2007-07-08

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