
XRooms Revival

Way back in the mists of time, there was ROOMS. A subset was ported, by DEC, to run under X11R3, and was titled XRooms. At long last, a brave, but foolish, adventurous coder has opened the tomb of this beast. His mission - to bring ROOMS back to life, and beyond!

(Having said that, the xrooms code is not pretty. This is more likely to be an exercise in gene-splicing and possibly some organ transplant, than wholesale ressurection.)

The short-term obective is to get xrooms, or a clone, fully operational under X11R6.x, and modern window managers and desktop environments. It doesn't have to make -use- of any of the offered features, it just has to run.

The mid-term objective is to have an environment in which the user can cluster windows, and even desktops, together, where each desktop can run under it's own independent window manager.

The long-term objective is to wrap-around the entire concept, such that desktops can be in windows, as easily as windows being in desktops. (This is a "simple" extension of the idea of having multiple desktops in Rooms, in the first place. :) This package, then, becomes a transparent layer in X, rather than a specific application for it.

Posted by Jonathan Day 2001-05-17

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