
Building On Windows

Silas Parker

Building XRF Config on Windows

  1. Download and install the following tools:

  2. Checkout the source code from SVN using Tortoise SVN

    • URL of repository is: svn://
    • Checkout directory should be named xrfconfig
  3. Start the VS 2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt

  4. At the command prompt, add the Qt bin directory into the path, you will need to adjust the path below to match your configuration

    set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\msvc2013\bin;%PATH%
  5. Go into the build directory, you will need to adjust the path below

    cd C:\Users\Test\Documents\xrfconfig\build
  6. Run the following:

    qmake ..\source


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