
XRF / News: Recent posts and the Termfile Creator

Finally released a version that is worth something, you can now add terms to the database with the termfile creator. Unfortunately you have to manually add the termfiles to the database still, but this should be fixed shortly.

Posted by ATJ 2006-11-01

XRF Released

The first alpha release of XRF. This is a much improved version over the previous version of XRF. It is much more stable and contains the new XRF database. Unfortunately the Termfile creator was not finished in time to be included in this release. Look for it in the next release though.

Posted by ATJ 2006-10-08

Beta release changed to Alpha

The planned beta release has been changed to alpha due to lack of time for testing. This release is planned for Friday, October 6th. This release will include the new XRF database. No longer do you have to open your termfiles individually, now all of your termfiles are included in one neat little database, so you can have more freedom of what you want to learn. This release will also include the XRF Termfile creator. Finally you can make your own virtual flashcards.

Posted by ATJ 2006-10-06

Nearing Beta Release

The latest version of XRF is soon to go Beta! The new version contains many improvements over the original program, AP Flashcard. The goal release for the Beta edition is the first of October.

Posted by ATJ 2006-09-28