
take over the session

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young - 2013-08-09

    we are happily using the version of xrdp maintained by fedora 19.

    we can cope with the way to reconnect to the same session is to use a rdp shortcut that has the resolution hard coded.


    is it possible to take over the session, rather than having it visible in 2 places ie shared?

    The reason we want to do this: eg I am logged into my session at my desk using a wyse terminal via rdp, I lock the linux screen via xfce lock. whilst I am upstairs at someone else's desk I want to use my session, so I connect to it, unlock it and work away. We just realised that anyone watching the screen at my desk will also see what I am up to! - thus the question can it take over the session)

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young - 2013-08-14

    any one else experience this ? tried what I have and seen the same issue?

    (the same will happen using two win7 machines and rdp as long as the screen res is the same on both)

    cheers, Chris

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young - 2014-01-20

    It's been a while and we are now running with the fedora 20 maintained version.

    anyone now have anythoughts on my first post?


    • Chris Young

      Chris Young - 2015-09-04

      hi, I'm now up to FC 22 level of xrdp.

      Anyone aware of a way to prevent me logging in and seeing my screen twice? I get the same session, but say I leave my terminal on at work and lock the linux screen, I get home, attach to the session unlock - but then everyone in the office can see what I am doing and shoulder surfing just becomes sitting down and viewing!

      thanks, Chris

      • Itamar Reis Peixoto

        On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Chris Young wrote:

        hi, I'm now up to FC 22 level of xrdp.

        Anyone aware of a way to prevent me logging in and seeing my screen twice? I
        get the same session, but say I leave my terminal on at work and lock the
        linux screen, I get home, attach to the session unlock - but then everyone
        in the office can see what I am doing and shoulder surfing just becomes
        sitting down and viewing!

        thanks, Chris

        same user will use same session, how about this ?


        Itamar Reis Peixoto

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young - 2015-09-07

    thanks for the reply, - I appreciate same user will see same session, that is fine, but I don't want to be able to have the same session visible on 2 screens via 2 different rdp clients. in the windows world, the second rdp client connection would kill the first one. so the desktop is only ever visible by one rdp client session.
    - Chris

  • Thomas Schweikle

    This is not completely true: in all cases there is a way to connect two or more clients to one running session:
    a) you want someone else to view what you are doing. Invite him/her to your session by asking for remote help. But this is not automatic. You have to ask for remote help, then you can open a second, third, forth and more views of your desktop on other machines.
    b) use session manager, find the running session, then use the session number to connect an other PC to that session. The user you hook the session will be noticed about this. If you are not an administrator the yuer will be asked (if this is not changed in the registry) if he/she would allow hooking the session. For Administrators the user is only noticed about.

    With a lot of registry tweaks it is possible to allow automated multiple connections to one existing session from multiple clients. But this is not intenden by Microsoft and not guarantied to work at all.

    If you do not want a session to be shared between multiple clients with xrdp you will have to select to overtake the session. Default is to share the session. But you can change this to make overtaking default.

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young - 2015-09-09

    thanks, would you be so kind as to docuement which config file and what entry to put for the xrdp server settings to make overtake the default?


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