
XRCed / News: Recent posts

New version in CVS, not yet a release

New feature: comment nodes, they are presented in the tree as normal objects (so can be copied, moved, etc.). Tree icon is hash (#). Still needs some testing (msw in particular), but seems to be functional already.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-03-11

XRCed-0.1.8-4 wxMSW bugfix release

This release contains specific fixes for wxMSW only. Linux/wxGTK users do not need to upgrade. OSX not tested, as usually (I don't have access to any Mac).

Things fixed: some control sizes in XRCed's interface; Notebook children highlighted correctly.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-03-10

XRCed-0.1.8-3 bugfix release

More bugs fixed, some functional improvements.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-03-08

XRCed-0.1.8-2 bugfix release

Some small bugs fixed.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-03-07


New bugfixes!

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-02-23

XRCed-1.8-0 release

This release is the last one compatible with wxWidgets 2.6 or 2.7.

New feature: changing of the order of the tree items (thanks to the patch submitted by botg).

Fixes: replacing, reference items, etc.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-02-06

ghost messages resent, sorry for late news

Forwarded some replies to old posts to xrced-users.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2007-02-05

Spacer can be in GridBag sizer now

0.1.7-4 contains the fix in addition to fix for native_encoding support for Copy/Paste

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2006-04-05


Fix for Copy/Paste objects with international characters.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2006-03-31

XRCed 0.1.7-1

Fix for memory leaks in Paste command.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2006-02-14

XRCed 0.1.7 released

Synced XRC format with wxWigets, added real clipboard copying, etc.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-11-13


bugfix release

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-09-09

XRCed-0.1.6-2 - support for object_ref!


Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-08-10


Some encoding issues were addressed and more fixes for the interface.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-05-26


New features: wxWizard support and Locate tool.

And the war on drugs... oops I mean bugs is still going on!

This version was tested on Linux/wx-2.5.4-gtk2-unicode.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-04-26

Old tracker items closed

Updated status of tracker items which were fixed or out of date.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-03-15

XRCed 0.1.4-1

Edit->Locate command was added for selecting items by clicking on them in "test view".

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2005-01-31

Winter holidays -- best time to work on open source

Finally I have some free time to dedicate to XRCed! Well, almost :)

XRCed homepage was updated with a link to SPE.

Some changes were commited to CVS today (empty encoding fix, wxIcon, and fix for assertion failure on unicode builds).

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2004-12-26

XRCed 0.1.3-1

I was using latest wxPython for making this version, it seems to work well. It's in CVS head, if you need a tarball I'll make it.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2004-10-11

XRCed 0.1.2-1 in wxPython's CVS

wxWindows CVS was updated today with new version supporting wxGridBagSizer.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2004-01-13

XRCed 0.1.1-5 - last revision before 0.1.2

This revision adds support for 'subclass' attribute (pulldown menu), and probably is the last version of XRCed for wxPython 2.4, as version 2.5 has some important differences.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2004-01-13


Fixed some bugs in wxStaticBitmap support occured on wxPython and Python 2.3. Some small changes in the interface.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2003-09-12

XRCed-0.1.0 with tools palette

New XRCed release is released. Be the first to test it!

This version contains long-avaited feature - toolbar for creating objects.

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2003-03-20

XRCed-0.0.9-5, FOSDEM

XRCed-0.0.9-5 uploaded.

XRCed was mentioned in Julian Smart's wxWindows presentation on FOSDEM ( 2003 Open source Software Developers' European Meeting, held in Brussels on February 8-9. The presentation is available at

Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2003-02-11


Posted by Roman Rolinsky 2003-01-30