Austin - 2004-10-14

I've seen the examples about xrc and wxpython. Most examples demostrate one frame or dialog and use menubar or button to produce events. I met a problem.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <object class="wxFrame" name="MainFrame">
    <title>Simple Test</title>
    <object class="wxButton" name="Button1">

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <object class="wxDialog" name="DIALOG1">
    <object class="wxButton" name="CloseButton">

sample is a frame, and close is a dialog. Assume that ex.( is a main program. When you click Button1, it will show the dialog ex.( Because most examples don't show how to open another dialog, i try to write codes referenced by the examples but it's doesn't work. Could anybody  show me the examples used those two xrc files or some other useful websites? Thanks a lot.