
XPLC / News: Recent posts

XPLC 0.3.7 Released

This release comes with much requested examples (with more to come in the next few releases), and updated Doxygen documentation. The C++ helper class now also provides a quick way to add a directory to load modules from.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2004-07-02

License Change

In order to better reflect our original intention that closed-source projects be able to use XPLC without having to release their source code, but still keep improvements to XPLC available, the license has been slightly changed.

For files that are part of the C++ binding, and thus for which the only way of really complying with the LGPL license would be to provide source (because for template expanded code, you cannot dynamically against and provide for user-replacement of the library code), it is now allowed to statically link this code when used as part of XPLC.... read more

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2004-06-28

XPLC Developments and Directions

About a month ago, Havoc Pennington (of GNOME fame) posted an article about GNOME picking a runtime environment which prompted me to rethink the future of XPLC. I describe my thoughts on this subject in this Advogato posting: ttp://

Essentially, we will be pushing toward an earlier stable release, so that software can dependably use XPLC for some things it can do well at the moment, like helping keep ABI stability under control and providing dynamically loadable components (plugins).... read more

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2004-04-24

More Documentation for XPLC

As XPLC is approaching a level where it usable for real world applications, the project is developing a great need for documentation. An article on how to use the GenericComponent helper template has been posted and there is now an ongoing effort to add Doxygen documentation to the XPLC source code, for reference.

These are both currently available in the Documentation section of our web site.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2003-12-05

XPLC is alive and well!

This is a quick message to let everyone know that XPLC is still alive and well. I have been rather caught up in work recently, but work on XPLC has been ongoing in CVS.

We now have an experimental smart pointer, large number of leaks and other subtle bugs have been fixed (thanks to Valgrind!), the C++ binding is becoming richer and easier to use, the implementation of getInterface can now be automated, and other things are still in the works.... read more

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2002-11-21

XPLC 0.1.3 Released

XPLC is a component system that enables extensible and lightweight in-process components. This release introduces the beginnings of the full-fledged dynamic loader, building on the already operational module loader.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2002-06-11

XPLC 0.1.2 Released and Getting Support

My new employer, Net Integration Technologies (, is letting me work on XPLC a day per week. That should accelerate the rate of development on XPLC by a significant amount, thanks a lot!

For this new version, monikers were added, XPLC is now installable, usability was improved and there are a few more debugging helps, among other things.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2002-03-30

XPLC New Release and Updated Web Site

XPLC 0.1.1 has been released yesterday, with code improvements, portability improvements, some initial support for ordering of the service manager handlers, better compile-time configurability, better test coverage and other bug fixes.

Also, the web site ( has been updated to provide more information and will be further improved in the coming days and weeks.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2001-06-14

XPLC 0.1.0 Released

The initial release of XPLC, 0.1.0, is now available.

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2001-06-07

XPLC Design Peer-Review Wanted

I am looking for some people to peer-review the current design of XPLC, a high performance, lightweight portable component system.

Go to for more. If you do not have an Advogato account or are not certified, simply send me an e-mail at

Thank you!

Posted by Pierre Phaneuf 2001-01-02