
Jakob Berlin

In Action:


Install instructions:

  1. locate X-Plane install folder
  2. go into sub dirs Resources\plugins
  3. create folder e.g. "PluginSaitekInstrumentPanel" in plugins folder
  4. paste win.xpl and image files here
  5. instead of step 3 + 4 you could unzip file from download section directly into plugins folder
  6. startup X-Plane with plugged-in and working (image rotation should be seen) Saitek Instrument Panel
  7. have fun ;)

Current windows development settings:

  • Win 7 64 Bit
  • MS Visual Studio 2010 (Express)
  • Dynamic Library Project (may setup output file to win.xpl to save renaming it every time)
    • WIN32
    • IBM=1
    • APL=0
    • X86
    • XPLM200=1NDEBUG
    • _WINDOWS
    • _USRDLL
  • X-Plane SDK (add this to C++ additional include dirs, XPLM.lib to additional libraries)
  • CImg (free C++ image processing class, add this to C++ additional include dirs), including special CImg.h file which is placed here at files (I just added a save2bmp-buffer-function)
  • WTL (free c++ classes to use with Express editions of Visual Studio, so may only with MS VS 2010 Express this is needed, add this to C++ additional include dirs)
  • Saitek Direct Output SDK (add this to C++ additional include dirs and to additional library dirs)
  • X-Plane >= 9.67


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