
Upcoming PHPortal version 0.2.6 release

I am planning a beginning of next week release for PHPortal version 0.2.6.

This is a major enhancement release.

The 'format' core class and format types have been restructured. I have also added a new content type conversion, PPT (PowerPoint) All office document conversions (word, excel, powerpoint) now use XML (office 2000 and up).

There has been a general load time increase of 0.1 seconds due to code streamlining and removal of extraneous code to enhance overall performance.

The control panel has been improved and segmented into better working parts.

The Versioning Object has been completed. It allows for work on multiple objects within multiple version that are only reflected to the manager and all changes can be all removed or saved at one click. Versioning currently works on Object add, rename, edit, delete, and property add, edit delete.

There has been lots of small fixes that enhance the use of PHPortal for both manager and end user.

User cookies, versioning cookies, and user preferences cookies.

New Object Types 'template' and 'script'. The new 'script' type is the old method and method uses the XPC scripting syntax.

The history panel compare method has been enchanced and speeded up by using temp files.

The Undo panel now recursively displays histories of folder children.

Posted by Michael Glazer 2002-11-30

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