
#356 Show preview -> save page breaks page saves

edit (10)

I am using linux 64 bit version of Xowa. While using it without importing the wiki, when I create a new page, then without inputing anything in the page, I hit show preview and then save page - This does not do anything. This is ok, because I had not inputed anything in the text field. But now, even if I input anything in the text box and try to save the page (with or without clicking on "show preview"), it does not do anything.

Normal functioning of save works fine, if I don't click on show preview with empty text box at the first time.


  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2014-10-22
    • labels: --> edit
    • status: new --> pfe
    • Milestone: v1.10.* --> PFE
  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2014-10-22

    Thanks for the detailed breakdown. This is also a bug, but is related to new pages. Specifically, this is what I did

    • Launched XOWA
    • Entered "Test_page" into the url bar. This opened a blank page.
    • Pressed "Show preview". This places the page in an invalid state.
    • Pressed "Save". This causes a silent error. In the log file (home/wiki/Special:XowaSystemData?type=log_session) it says error while executing script: err= update requested but title does not exist: Test_page

    You can workaround the bug by not using Preview for new pages. Press Save first, and then Preview as much as you want afterwards.

    As I explained in, the new page functionality only has limited uses. Also, my time is focused on Android now, and I won't be able to look at Edit until sometime next year. I'm going to mark this item as a PFE, and will fix this bug when I return to it.

    Finally, three of your four tickets were around editing. Although XOWA does support updating pages, it's meant for correcting errors in WMF wikis. I don't know if you're thinking of using XOWA as a standalone wiki editor. If so, I would recommend against it for now. There's a lot of functionality that I cobbled together just for the home wiki. I'm going to change most of it when I overhaul the Edit system next year. You're better off waiting until then.

    Let me know if you need any other information. In the meantime, thanks again for the excellent defect writeup.

    • Srijan Kumar

      Srijan Kumar - 2014-10-22

      Thanks for all your quick responses and fixes.
      I can wait till the next edition to use it as a standalone wiki editor :)

      You can expect more bugs reported from me, in case I find any more!

  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2014-10-23

    You can expect more bugs reported from me, in case I find any more!

    Cool. Looking forward to seeing any other issues. Thanks again for the reports

  • Srijan Kumar

    Srijan Kumar - 2014-10-23

    Can you give a temporary fix for this bug and by simply disabling the new page feature (check if the page exists already, if not, then give an error message), and thereby taking care of both the bugs at the same time. Then you can push this change in the next version that you release, and work on fixing it properly when you get time next year.

  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2014-10-24

    Thanks for the idea. Keep in mind that the new page feature only works on the home wiki. For all other wikis, it's disabled.

    I'll try to disable this feature in near release, but it probably won't be for a few weeks. I really don't expect anyone to try to create new pages in the home wiki, so it shouldn't affect anyone's day-to-day usage of the app.

    • Srijan Kumar

      Srijan Kumar - 2014-10-24

      I understand that you are busy with the Android version right now.
      Is it all right if I give a fix for that and you patch it for the next release? Xowa looks really interesting to me, and I would be happy to help you out.

  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2014-10-25

    Sure! Feel free to. However, keep in mind the following:

    • Disabling new page creation can't be a hard stop. It's going to need some sort of option. I create new pages in the home wiki, and I know of one other user who also creates pages (perhaps a few others). Disabling it entirely won't work in these scenarios. Yes/no message boxes won't work either.
    • Most of the edit code will be cleaned up when I return my focus to standalone wikis. The patch could change considerably when that happens.

    If you want to do this as a learning exercise, then go on ahead. Otherwise you might want to try a different item -- one perhaps with more utility to you?

    Finally, I asked in another ticket, but since I may have your attention here: Do you want the change log to say "detected by Srijan Kumar"? Or do you prefer some other nickname?




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