Hey community,
i've downloaded Just for fun i wanted to run XOWA on a cubietruck.
Maybe you can take a look on that, if you have enough time :)
version:; build date: 2014-07-06 20:26
[0] = '--app_mode'
[1] = 'http_server'
[2] = '--http_server_port'
[3] = '8080'
app init failed: url 0 connection open failed
@ConnectInfo gplx_key=sqlite;data source=/home/linaro/xowa/user/xowa.user.anonymous.sqlite3;version=3;
1 class java.sql.SQLException Error opening connection <java.sql.SQLException>
HTTP Server started: Navigate to http://localhost:8080
If i open the main page, it crashes completely:
Request: GET / HTTP/1.1
Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.dom.Xog_mnu_base.Update_grp_by_lang(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.dom.Xog_mnu_grp.Build(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.dom.Xog_mnu_grp.Invk(Unknown Source)
at gplx.GfsCore_.Exec(Unknown Source)
at gplx.GfsCore.ExecOne_to(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.apps.Xoa_gfs_mgr.Run_str_for(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.apps.Xoa_gfs_mgr.Run_str_for(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.dom.Xog_mnu_grp.Source_exec(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.dom.Xog_mnu_grp.Source_exec(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.Xog_window_mnu_mgr.Init_by_kit(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.menus.Xog_menu_mgr.Init_by_kit(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.gui.Xoa_gui_mgr.Kit_(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.servers.Gxw_html_server.Init_gui_for_server(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.servers.http.Http_server_mgr.Init_gui(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.servers.http.Http_server_mgr.Parse_page_to_html(Unknown Source)
at gplx.xowa.servers.http.HttpRequest.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)
Caused by: java.awt.HeadlessException:
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
at sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.java:77)
at gplx.gfui.ImageAdp_.getCompatibleImage(Unknown Source)
at gplx.gfui.ImageAdp_.new_(Unknown Source)
at gplx.gfui.ImageAdp_.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
... 17 more
Hi Matthias! Thanks for the detailed report.
This is an issue with the Xerial JDBC SQLite wrapper. It uses native binaries for sqlite3. Unfortunately, it doesn't include an ARM based binary.
You can try running XOWA from the command-line with this switch: "-Dsqlite.purejava=true". This was a feature in the older Zentus jar (Xerial is a fork of Zentus) which may work for the ARM machine. You can read more here: http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-jdbc/wiki/Introduction#Run_in_Pure-Java_mode
I suspect it won't work, but it's worth a quick try (unfortunately I don't have any ARM machines)
If that doesn't work, then I'd have to look at another SQLite wrapper. I am planning to do this sometime in the future, but it may be a while. It requires a bit of code change, and the field for SQLite wrappers is rather sparse. You can look at this recent post for more info https://sourceforge.net/p/xowa/tickets/339/?limit=10&page=3#2ad5 as well as http://code.google.com/p/sqlite4java/wiki/ComparisonToOtherWrappers and http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteWrappers
Keeping fingers crossed...
I'm marking this question answered for now. I'll close it at the end of next week, unless there is further inquiry
I'm moving this to PFE, though it may be a while. Among other things, I'd need to get a machine with an ARM processor.
Only for interest:
Confounded Technology: Raspberry Pi: Virtualise RPi Debian Squeeze image
XOWA now offers ARM builds, thanks to yonisolo. You can download the latest at https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/releases