
RE. 64 bit

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-10-14

    I've been using 32bit xowa till now on a 64 bit computer. Now as there is a 64 bit version available, how should I go about upgrading my 32 bit to the 64 bit, as there is no direct upgrade package available.


  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2013-10-16

    The short answer is that you should not use the "xowa_windows_64" package, and should stay with the "xowa_windows" one.

    The long answer is below.

    Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

    First, the "upgrade" package is to be used with its respective "app" package. When I do make "xowa_upgrade_windows_64" available, you can't use it for "xowa_app_windows". The first is 64-bit while the other is 32-bit. You can only use "xowa_upgrade_windows_64" with "xowa_app_windows_64".

    Second, the 64-bit package refers to the bitness of the Java installation, not the Operating System. Windows 64-bit can run Java 32-bit and Java 64-bit. Windows 32-bit can only run Java 32-bit. With this in mind:

    • "xowa_windows" runs on the 32-bit JRE
    • "xowa_windows_64" runs on the 64-bit JRE

    I created the "xowa_windows_64" package b/c new machines may have Windows 64-bit installed. Sometime this year, I believe Oracle starting defaulting 64-bit machines to the 64-bit Java download (instead of the 32-bit one). For these users (64 bit Windows; 64-bit Java), the "xowa_windows" (32-bit) package would not work. They'd have to manually install the 32-bit Java version to run XOWA. Most users would probably not figure this out.

    Since you're running "xowa_windows" now, that means you have a 32-bit JRE on your 64-bit Windows machine. You do not need the 64-bit package, as you probably don't have a 64-bit JRE. (or if you do have the 64-bit one, it is not the "default" JRE)

    If you want to, you can run the 64-bit package by installing the 64-bit JRE (and probably uninstalling the 32-bit JRE). You can then unzip the "xowa_app_windows_64" package directly over your current XOWA installation. Note that all the app packages are designed to be run side-by-side. (i.e.: You can unzip the windows and the linux app packages to the same folder, and one won't interfere with the other).

    However, I would recommend against the 64-bit package, as installing multiple JRE's on your machine will probably cause some confusion / conflict (especially if you use other Java apps).

    In addition, the 32-bit package is more stable:

  • William

    William - 2015-06-29

    I was also in the process of considering migration from Windows 32 to Windows 64 OS, because you cannot buy a new PC preloaded with a Windows 7 32 OS anymore, so I can foresee the day when software support for Windows 32 will become obsolete.

    I noticed this posting is nearly two years old, and I was wondering if any of your opinions in your reply to Anonymous has changed. A lot can happen in software in two years.

    Can you foresee the day you will no longer support Xowa 32 bit upgrades?

    A short reply will suffice.


  • gnosygnu

    gnosygnu - 2015-06-29

    XOWA will probably support Windows 32 bit upgrades well into the far future (at least 10 years). Windows 32 bit machines are too pervasive for them to go away.

    Hope that helps.



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