
Xoscope not showing signals on Ubuntu 18.04

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2018-08-18

    It was working OK on Ubuntu 16.04, now the screen is grey instead of black and the only device options visible on the menu are "None" and "COMEDI"

  • Brent Baccala

    Brent Baccala - 2018-08-19

    Confirmed as a bug.

  • Mark Kimball

    Mark Kimball - 2018-11-30

    I had the same problem until I started alsamixer and selected my built-in sound card using F6. Apparently the ALSA default source in 18.04 is NOT the sound card.
    Computer: Lenovo W530 thinkpad

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2018-12-07

    But still the only device options visible on the menu are "None" and "COMEDI". How did you make your Xscope show the signals?

  • Esteban

    Esteban - 2018-12-22

    Same thing happening here.
    Is this bug already fixed?

  • Brent Baccala

    Brent Baccala - 2018-12-23

    The screen color problem has been fixed. It was a bug in the gtkdatabox library.

    The limited device options seem to be a packaging problem. I just configured and built on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and the sound card recognized and worked with the ALSA driver.

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2018-12-27

    I just reinstalled it from the xoscope-2.2.tar.gz file, and it's working now with the ALSA driver. How can I fix the screen color problem?

  • Brent Baccala

    Brent Baccala - 2018-12-27

    To fix the screen color problem, install gtkdatabox- from sourceforge:

    There's no package; I just released this today.

    You'll probably then need to recompile xoscope, making sure that it uses the new version of gtkdatabox. Probably the easiest way to do this is to install gtkdatabox (run 'make install' as root); it will install in /usr/local by default. Then recompile xoscope.

    If you can't or won't muck with your /usr/local, then configure xoscope with something like this:

    GTKDATABOX_LIBS='-L /home/baccala/src/gtkdatabox- -lgtkdatabox' ./configure

    and run it with something like this:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/baccala/src/gtkdatabox- ./xoscope

    Let me know how it goes!

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2019-01-05

    Does not run. Trying to run it from Terminal indicates :

    root@remberto-desktop:/home/remberto/Descargas/xoscope-2.2# xoscope
    xoscope: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  • Brent Baccala

    Brent Baccala - 2019-01-05

    Sounds like it compiled right, but didn't pick up the shared library when it ran.

    Please make sure to run it with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/gtkdatabox- before xoscope (see my previous post) to make sure it can load the shared library when the program runs.

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2019-01-05

    On the xoscope-2.2 directory, as root, I ran:

    GTKDATABOX_LIBS='-L /home/remberto/Descargas/gtkdatabox- -lgtkdatabox' ./configure

    Then I ran make and make install.

    Next I ran:


    It did nothing. Then ran:



    root@remberto-desktop:/home/remberto/Descargas/xoscope-2.2# xoscope
    xoscope: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  • Brent Baccala

    Brent Baccala - 2019-01-05

    I think I see the problem. There should be a space between ".../gtk/.libs" and "./xoscope".

    It's an obscure syntax. You can set an environment variable for a single command by invoking the command as "ENVNAME=val command" (with a space between them).

    Without the space, the command just sets a shell variable (a little different from an environment variable, since it doesn't get passed to the command) and does nothing else.

  • Remberto Gomez

    Remberto Gomez - 2019-01-05

    Ooooh! It works OK!

    On the xoscope-2.2 directory, running:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/remberto/Descargas/gtkdatabox- ./xoscope

    Now I only need to do a shortcut on the Desktop.


  • gebhard matt

    gebhard matt - 2019-09-16


    on ubuntu 19.04 I could sucessfully compile it (thanks to gtkdatabox
    But device menu gives "none" ? Also starting with padsp xoscope
    did not help.
    Any pointers how to tell "xoscope" which alsa-device to use ?

  • rmlazzari

    rmlazzari - 2021-01-15

    I have the same issue in my notebook running Mint MATE, only 2 options: None and COMEDI. Curiously, my desktop's instalation running Mint Cinnamon offers the Alsa option as device.
    But the options under Mint MATE's instalation are "None" and "COMEDI". None does nothing. COMEDI says: "/dev/comedi0 No such file or directory". If somebody could help me, I'd be grateful.

    This is the configuration with issue:

    System: Host: HP1000 Kernel: 5.4.0-62-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 7.5.0
    Desktop: MATE 1.22.2 wm: marco dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia
    base: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

    Audio: Device-1: Intel 7 Series/C216 Family High Definition Audio vendor: Hewlett-Packard
    driver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel bus ID: 00:1b.0 chip ID: 8086:1e20
    Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.4.0-62-generic

    P.S.: I'm just a newbie retired hobbyst, so I'd appreciate good will but I don't understand too much tech directions. Thanks anyway.


    Last edit: rmlazzari 2021-01-15

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