

Welcome to your sentry for your website. Xortify is that extra piece of mind that your site is not being harvested, email addresses capture or a form of human rights abuse like captcha sweat shops where 3rd world individual are paid less than $1 a day to sign up to website endless for robotic spam posting at the later stages of this.

Xortify so far has grown over the couple of years of development so far by Simon Roberts the CEO of Chronolabs Cooperative ( It also works in conjunction with that other condom for mal-users and mal-bot Protector that comes with the core of XOOPS and has done so for many major version releases (This is with the XOOPS Versions).

Remember it is still said as 'Fortify', X can be a wild card in english so Frog also sounds the same as Xrog.

Once you have installed the client, you will need to [Sign-up to] a username with a password on to the cloud. Please refer to this document if you are having problems. Remeber to read about our [Sponsors] and if you use facebook like the xortify page


Download the appropriate package for your environment and follow one of the following documents:

Downloading Xortify Client

You can download the latest version of Xortify from the Files section of this Sourceforge project (

Signing up to the cloud

With both of the XOOPS version there is a sign-up page in the admin, this will set your username and password in the settings for the module and the account is automatically activated. You can have a Username and Password for individual sites or use one account on master accounts. It is really up to you.

With the Standalone package you will have to sign up a Username and Password by manually calling the API in the (class/auth) path or just signup online at

API Functions Guide

If your developing a solution with the Xortify Honeypot a full list of functions can be found documented on the [API Functions Guide].


Members of Project

Project Members:


Wiki: API Functions Guide
Wiki: Framework-Standalone PHP 5.x Package (Installation)
Wiki: Sign-up to
Wiki: Sponsors
Wiki: XOOPS 2.5 Package (Installation)
Wiki: XOOPS 2.6 Package (Installation)