
Tree [r2] /

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File Date Author Commit
 de_DE 2008-08-06 deedw [r2] changed accelerator keys, updated mail, added I...
 libxorgedit 2008-08-06 deedw [r2] changed accelerator keys, updated mail, added I...
 options 2008-08-05 deedw [r1] initial svn
 xorgedit 2008-08-06 deedw [r2] changed accelerator keys, updated mail, added I...
 CHANGELOG 2008-08-06 deedw [r2] changed accelerator keys, updated mail, added I...
 COPYING 2008-08-05 deedw [r1] initial svn
 INSTALL 2008-08-05 deedw [r1] initial svn
 LIESMICH 2008-08-05 deedw [r1] initial svn
 Makefile 2008-08-06 deedw [r2] changed accelerator keys, updated mail, added I...
 README 2008-08-05 deedw [r1] initial svn

Read Me

 = Readme for xorg-edit =

WARNING: Improper use of this tool can cause damage to your xorg.conf and may not start your Xserver.
In this case see "Troubleshooting" section.

More information at (only in German!)

 = Install binary =

 == Dependencies ==

For using the program you need the following packages

  libwxgtk2.6 or libwxgtk2.8

 == Starting ==

After dowloading xorg-edit_VERSION_bin.tar.gz extract the file to your home directory.
Then you open a terminal, go to the correct directory

  cd  ~/xorg-edit-VERSION

and start the program with


 == Edit xorg.conf ==

For editing the xorg.conf resp. saving changes you must open the program as root

  sudo ./xorg-edit

 == Create link == 

In Gnome you can create a link in the panel or on the desktop easily. Just enter

  gksudo /home/USERNAME/xorg-edit-VERSION/xorg-edit

as command, where USERNAME has to be set correctly.

 == Language is wrong ==

See "Troubleshooting -> Install language file".

 == Program can not be executed ==

See "Troubleshooting -> Set execution rights".

 = Compile program =

 == Dependencies ==

For compiling the program you need the following packages

  libwxgtk2.6 and libwxgtk2.6-dev or libwxgtk2.8 and livwxgtk2.8-dev

 == Compilation ==

After downloading xorg-edit_VERSION_src.tar.gz extract the file to your home directory.
Then you open a terminal and go to the directory with the sources. The Makefile inside
should compile the program correctly. So you just need to type


You will find the programm xorg-edit in same directory and can start it from there.

 == Installation ==

If you want to install the program just type

  make install



The program will be installed to /usr/local, but you can change this
in the makefile xorgedit/Makefile.

 == Deinstallation ==

If you want to remove the program type

  make uninstall

or use your package management if you used checkinstall.

 = Troubleshooting =

 == Restore backup in terminal or console ==

In case of a misconfigured xorg.conf the XServer may not start, so you need to restore a backup of an
old config file. Just login in the console and type

  cd /etc/X11

to go to the XServer directory. With

  ls xorg.conf_*

you can see all backup files. In most cases it's the best to restore the last saved file with

  cp xorg.conf_DATE_TIME xorg.conf

where DATE and TIME should match the correct values (without any separators).

After restarting XServer everything should be fine.

 == Reconfigure XServer ==

If a backup doesn not help try reconfiguring XServer with

  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

 == Install Language File ==

The German language file is stored in the directory de_DE. It's important that the file xorg-edit
is started in the same directory as this folder otherwise the language file will not be found.
For an English version you need no special language files.

 == Settings execution rights ==

After extracting the binary archiv it may happen that you can not execute the file. So set the rights with

  sudo chmod +x xorg-edit