

  • Frank Anemaet

    Frank Anemaet - 2003-10-05

    I have been coding on my 3d engine for a pretty long time, so I didn't do much on the os.

    I will do some stuff on the os next week.

    - the (ATA/IDE) floppy disk driver
    - the (ATA/IDE) harddisk driver
    - the second stage bootloader.

    No sure what I'll finnish in the week,


    • Daniel Pischl

      Daniel Pischl - 2003-10-05

      After the ATA/IDE harddisk driver from Frank is finished, I'll start coding on the filesystem for Xope.
      It's a very simple, based on ext/2 filesystem.
      Maybe I'll put in a journaling function,  but I'm not sure at the moment.
      When the FS is finished, depends on Franks driver. - But I don't want to make you much work. - You have to do other things (and other projects too).

      - Daniel

    • Frank Anemaet

      Frank Anemaet - 2003-10-30

      ok, the stuff really changed from the plans.

      I'm currently fixing an asm bootsector at the first sector of the partition.
      That sector should load the C bootblock (which still has to be written) which should mount the filesystem, load kernel etc.
      Oterwise, I'm currently busy with the bootblock.

      -- Frank


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