
Threadpool 1.0 and Functional 0.8 released today!

From the change notes: New in this release:
Thread pools can be set to use daemon threads or not by passing a one or
zero for the named parameter 'daemon' when constructing one. By default,
thread pools now use daemon threads.

By passing an optional 'associated' argument to ThreadPool.put, the thread
which actually runs that job will have that data associated with it while
it's doing that job. Calling *thread*.getAssociatedData() will return it.
This could be useful for associating some sort of security information with
the task, for instance. New in this release:
Added new functions: any, all, none_of, head, tail, car, cdr. Any, all,
and none_of check a sequence and return 1 if any, all, or none of the
elements are nonzero or pass a user-supplied test function. Head and tail
return the first and remaining elements of a sequence, respectively, and
car and cdr are just aliases for head and tail for the Lisp folks.

Posted by Bryn Keller 2000-11-04

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