
XMMS with a Jukebox / News: Recent posts

Top Ten List

XMMS with a Jukebox has officially begun work on adding a top ten list. The list will keep track of all songs entered into the jukebox and will provide the top 5, 10, and 100 most requested songs. Users have been requesting this for quite some time spokes person for the XMMS with a Jukebox said on Monday. It's only natural to implement it now that most of the bugs and inconsistencies have been ironed out the source said. A release has been made that is fairly stable, it's now time to forge added with additional features and innovation.... read more

Posted by Mojo Nichols 2002-04-01

Jukebox recieves warm welcome.

Officials at xmmsjb have officially released the Jukebox componet. Leaks had occured earlier in the month, however it was too early to officially release the componet. Having the official release allows all the developers to get on with the business at hand says the official spokes person. The developers are now focused on fixing current bugs and looking for new innovative ways to improve the system.... read more

Posted by Mojo Nichols 2002-01-31

Extra Extra New Innovative way to Queue Songs Discovered

Top developers at xmmsjb labs discover new innovative way to play songs in XMMS late Tuesday night. Top officials at the laboratory had no officical comment, but sources close to the developers said there was much excitement and ruckus over the development of a simple yet elequent way to queue up songs for automated unintrupted playing. Developers working late into the evening on Tues stumpled accross the solution sources said. "I didn't think it would work at all, but their I was playing the song, and the queued song came on and then removed itself. I was like wow, I had to commit it to CVS and wake everybody up.", an unnamed developer was quoted as saying. The labs had been working on this problem for several weeks after getting the visual portion of the jukebox up and running. According to sources morale was getting kind of low that a solution would never be discovered. Top officials declined to committe until a testing was complete and a full release was made: at which a full press release would be issued. Continued on A4.... read more

Posted by Mojo Nichols 2001-12-20

Help wanted XMMS Juke Box.

I plan on adding on a jukebox window to XMMS. It will allow the end user to que up lists of music to played. It should also allow some sort of browsing even if it is just a flat list. It should insert the list inbetween songs, then pick up on the original list being played. I ideally some one with XMMS programming experience would be great to get this started, but all help will of course be gratefully accepted. If a similar project is allready under way please direct me to it. I didn't see it. ... read more

Posted by Mojo Nichols 2001-06-27