
XMMS Webcontrol plug-in / News: Recent posts

RPM rebult with GCC 2.96 (RHL7.3)

I suspect that most people running an RPM system don't run GCC 3.1 yet so I rebuilt the RPM with the versoin of GCC that is defautl in Red Hat Linux 7.3 (2.96). This should work for most people now.

Also note that if you run XMMS 1.2.5 or earlier you will have to rebuild the RPM (rpmbuild -tb xmmsd-0.2.tar.bz2)

Posted by Fredrik Rambris 2002-08-04

XMMSd 0.2 released

The backend is in place, no more ANSI C I/O and a lot others. See the homepage for more info.

Posted by Fredrik Rambris 2002-07-28

XMMSd 0.1 released

It's now a plug-in, with GUI and all it's glory.

Posted by Fredrik Rambris 2002-07-16

Files released

0.1pre1 is released. You can all now start testing it out. It isn't a plug-in just yet but rather a stand-alone server run from shell. Make sure to read the readme.

Posted by Fredrik Rambris 2002-07-14

Files now in CVS

After a major disaster (me slipping and running rm *.c) I did manage to get most sources back (by grepping the disk). When I had rewritten the lost parts (not much) I prepared the tree with autoconf etc and quickly imported the tree into the CVS here.

It can't do much but the server is operational. It isn't a plug-in yet but rather is run from the command line.

Posted by Fredrik Rambris 2002-07-10