
Tree [r4] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 pixmaps 2008-01-03 generalbeard [r3] Initial add of files
 Makefile 2008-01-03 generalbeard [r3] Initial add of files
 README 2008-01-03 generalbeard [r4] Initial add of README file
 XmmsApplet.server 2008-01-03 generalbeard [r2] Initial add of XmmsApplet.server
 xmms-applet.c 2008-01-03 generalbeard [r1] Initial add of xmms-applet.c

Read Me

Xmms Applet (Description)

Ok, first of all, I'm using this on Gnome 2.6 on SuSe 9.2.. SO.. some directories
will be different for placement of certain files.

For SuSe, the directories that are used for panel applets are:

   Which is where the .server file is placed so you can right click
	on the panel and add the panel applet.
   This is where the executable of the panel applet is placed.

Xmms Applet (Installation)

So if you wanna go ahead and try it, just type:

  make install (as root)

Any questions, comments, concerns, email me:
