
xmms-a52dec / News: Recent posts

1.0 finally released!

Finally, the 1.0 release of xmms-a52dec. I have been delaying this release for sometime now, I had initially intended to release 1.0 soon after 0.9 but some last minute bugs and a few new features turned up and caused the delay.

The only major feature missing in 1.0 right now is dolby surround decoding, but that should probably be implemented in liba52 instead of xmms-a52dec. Right now, xmms-a52dec seems perfectly stable (it hasn't crashed on me yet) and support pretty much all the features that a52dec provides and a little more. If there are any new features that you would like to see in xmms-a52dec, please let me know. If not, releases should be a lot less frequent now as I have ran out of ideas to implement.

Posted by Cort 2002-03-31

xmms-a52dec-0.9.2 released

This release switches using to a52dec-0.7.3 and is not compatible with older versions of a52dec.

Please test this version and let me know if the a52dec version switch is causing any problems.

Posted by Cort 2002-03-26

xmms-a52dec-0.9.1 released

xmms-a52dec-0.9.1 has been released. This is the first release on sourceforge and all future releases will be on sourceforge as well. The older versions will be uploaded as soon as I as could be bothered to do so. The previous xmms-a52dec page at will no longer be maintained and will be removed sometime in the near future.

Version 1.0 will be released _soon_. I need people to test out this version and submit bug reports. If it works well without any problem for you, let me know as well. One of the reason this release didn't make 1.0 is because I lack confidence in it's stability. So please flood me with emails on how well or how badly it works.

Posted by Cort 2002-03-09